Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Band of Horses videos: The Funeral and Is There A Ghost?

We saw Seattle's Band of Horses yesterday at the Bumbershoot Festival (along with two great art exhibitions, the usual collection of amusing buskers, Neko Case, Lucinda Williams and a few other folks). Here is a video from their first national appearance, on David Letterman...

And another video of the song Is There A Ghost?, from a more hirsute, later appearance on Letterman:


Hollywood Newsroom's Sarah Palin Naked Photoshop Contest

The Hollywood Newsroom has just announced their SARAH PALIN NAKED PHOTOSHOP CONTEST. Thanks to Dean Ericksen, fellow blogger and proprietor of Almost There In No Time for this tip. Environmentalist, ethicist, and all-round excellent homo sapien Ericksen comes up with this stuff from Gawker and Defamer so we don't have to. I believe his gym is on the same block as his work. . .which plays out OK. Whenever I read Gawker or Defamer, I almost always feel like I could use a shower. . .

Offended by "uppity" Obama, Cindy McCain suggests he "doesn't know his place"

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Cindy McCain told George Stephanopoulos in an interview that Barack Obama has deeply offended her. Democrats' attacks on her family's wealth "are unfair and offensive," Cindy McCain said today in an interview airing tomorrow on This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

As you know, the Democrats have relentlessly pummeled Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.) for saying he doesn't know how many houses he owns, calling the Republican presidential candidate out of touch with The People. In his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on Thursday, Democratic nominee Barack Obama cranked up the heat on McCain, saying he "doesn't know" about the lives of middle-class Americans.

"I'm offended by Barack Obama saying that about my husband," said McCain's wife Cindy. When asked if Obama went too far in his criticism of McCain, Cindy responded, "I do. I do. I really do."

In a follow up telephone interview with All This Is That's National Affairs Editor Pablo Fanque, Cindy McCain went even further, calling Barack Obama "uppity," and wondering aloud if perhaps he "doesn't know his place?"

Pablo Fanque asked "his place? What does that mean" to which Cindy McCain responded

"I question whether someone like Barack Obama has the right to challenge anything an American hero like John McCain says or does. Anything. John McCain spent five years in an enemy prison camp. And Obama is kicking dirt in the face of a man who suffered so families like his could be free. How dare he question anything an American Hero like John McCain says or does," she continued, "He doesn't seem to realize how lucky he is," she said, "or what a magnificent gift he has been given." "But this gift he has been so lucky to receive," McCain said, "doesn't mean he can kick sand in the face of the person who gave so much in to assure his freedom. There are limits to the first amendment. And Barack Obama has crossed them."

Is it just the lefties, or is something fishy with the Sarah Palin maternity news?

One of our readers emailed me yesterday (I hesitate to use his/her name because it wasn't clear if it was OK), saying that "It's a backdated story intended to clear the air. In a few weeks Bristol will 'miscarry.'

Well, yeah. The original story, whether it offended you or not, had some salient points. The story about the flight back to Alaska after the Governor's water broke, the birth at a small town hospital, and the photographic evidence of a very unpregnant looking Sarah Palin not long before the birth, and some of the other facts and factoids, give one pause. I don't really want this story, or the rumors and innuendo, to be true. I'd rather have a fair dogfight. But the original story, and the sudden press release about Bristol's pregnancy. . .it just doesn't quite fit. There are a couple of pieces of the jigsaw puzzle missing. Even my wife, who is probably one of All This Is That's most skeptical readers (and whose IQ bests JFK's) says these stories just don't make sense....something is wrong, something is being left out. I don't know what it is. Yet.

I'd much prefer this story died and that we got on to the serious business of political Hardball. But something is nagging at me, and I don't feel like we have this story wrapped up with a bow quite yet. Maybe the story dies out tomorrow, once the Republican convention gets into full swing (now that their plans to heroically jet down to New Orleans have fizzled). Or maybe tomorrow we get hit with the next shock wave. In the end, I am sure the story will not be as nefarious as some of the hyper-left blogs and websites are hoping it may be. But I don't think we have the full picture yet. I am so befuddled by this whole imbroglio that I am turning it over to our National Affairs Editor Pablo Fanque to follow up. Along with the whole next 65 days of this political season. I prefer more solid ground like poetry, art, music, Alien Lore, pranks, and conspiracy theories!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sarah Palin announces her daughter is pregnant, and will marry the father

The Palins

After the blog explosion over the weekend (including All This Is That) over the maternity of her son Trig, Sarah Palin put the wild speculation and rumors to rest by announcing that her daughter Bristol is five months pregnant, and will marry the father. The crux of the speculation is that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child's out of wedlock son.

"We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us," the Palins' statement said. "Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support."

John McCain knew about the pregnancy
when he chose Palin last week as his running mate, and decided that it was not a deal-breaker.

Campaign officials said the news of Bristol's pregnancy has been released to squelch the "mud-slinging and lies" circulating on liberal blog sites.

John McCain and Sarah Palin, from the mid-calf down

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Triggate: daughter Bristol, not Sarah Palin is the mother of her newborn "son"?

Sarah Palin 7 months pregnant in 1989

Sarah Palin "7 months pregnant" in 2007

Is Sarah Palin not the mother of her newborn "son"? If this has even a whiff of truth to it--and it looks like it does--the Presidential race just got even more interesting. Daily Kos is claiming, along with other blogs and websites, that Sarah Palin claimed to be the mother of her recently born child, when in fact it was her 17 year old daughter's son.

More possible evidence?

If this is true, the next question is, how did they cover this up through the vetting process? Or were McCain's team so eager to get her on board, they didn't think it would be that big a deal? Is McCain himself part of a cover-up?

Check out the Daily Kos for more potential pictorial and video evidence...

When not even Matt Drudge has picked up the story, you have to wonder about its veracity...but on the other hand, the story on Kos is pretty convincing, and damning.

It may be time to call in Joe Lieberman!!!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Alien Lore No. 137 - A Montage of alien hostages captured by the U.S.

This video reprises, with a suitably creepy score, many of the famous alien/grey/hybrid/Martian photos that have been circling the internet for many years now. You may have seen some them previously here in Alien Lore Nos. 1-136.


OK, they're not named Sunshine or Serenity, but Sara Palin's kids do sound like they were named by hippies

Sara Palin's kids sound like they were named by hippies (missing from picture: Trig):

Track, Bristol, Trig, Willow, and Piper.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to Senator John McCain!

click to enlarge

Shocker: Sara Palin chosen by McCain for VP slot

Governor Sara Palin rolling out the new Alaska quarter...

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain shocked almost everyone by choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. Campaign officials fed the news to NBC News this morning. Senator McCain passed over Mitty Romney, Kay Hutchinson, Joe Lieberman, and Tim Pawlenty when he opted for Palin. Alaska Governor Sara Palin has only occasionally been mentioned as a VP possibility, and has not really appeared on the leaked "short lists" of late. What seemed to tip the scales is a) the female factor; b) her pro-life position; c) the babe factor; and d) the "common folk" factor ("Well, shucks, she's just people like you and me"). The anti-abortion governor has less experience than Barack Obama and is virtually unknown outside Alaska and the northwest. But she is Christian, she was mostly unexpected, she's pro-life, she's not a Mormon, was never a Democrat, and has never feuded with John McCain (which sank Hutchinson's chances).

Palin is also currently under investigation by an independent investigator the state legislature hired to find out whether she tried to have a state official fire her ex-brother-in-law from his job as a state trooper.

In an August interview with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, she could not answer the question of whether she wanted the VP slot:

“until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day. I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here….”
She is the first woman and the first Alaskan on a Republican presidential ticket. Palin, 44, was elected Alaska's first woman governor in 2006.

Sara Palin has made at least one previous appearance on All This Is That: http://jackbrummet.blogspot.com/2007/04/salute-to-two-political-milfs-governor.html


November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008 - All I can say after this last inspiring week of the Democratic love-fest is that November 4th looms large and may well be my favorite day in the last 12 years (since November 5, 1996, when we voted in the last Democratic President).


The Hug: McCain hugs Bush and readies himself for four more years!
