Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gaddafi/Qaddafi's greatest hits: Some recent quotes from The Colonel

By Pablo Fanque
Middle-East Correspondent



It is over for Muammar Qaddafi.  The Guardian reports: "pictures of rebel fighters running through the grounds of Gaddafi's inner sanctum, hoisting rebel flags, ripping up posters of the "brother leader" and attacking an iconic statue have echoes of other historic moments and the fall of different dictators."

"No one knew where Gaddafi was, but everyone was certain that he wasn't coming back."

Gaddafi's current location is unknown. We do know, however, that he is facing prosecution by the International Criminal Court (you know...The Hague).  The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Qaddafi for crimes against humanity.   They have also frozen billions of dollars of his assets around the world.

A short collection of recent quotations from The Colonel:

On Italy: 
“Libyans do not know Denmark, they do not hate Denmark. They know Italy and they hate Italy.”

On Barack Obama, 1:
"We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as the president of America."

On the Palestinian/Israeli conflict(s): 
"I cannot recognise either the Palestinian state or the Israeli state. The Palestinians are idiots and the Israelis are idiots."

On the Libyan protesters: 
“Those inciting are very few in numbers and we have to capture them. Others have to stay at home. They have guns, they feel trigger-happy and they shoot especially when they are stoned on drugs.”

On emulating Tiananmen Square:
"People in front of tanks were crushed. The unity of China was more important than those people on Tiananmen Square. When Tiananmen Square happened, tanks were sent in to deal with them. It's not a joke. I will do whatever it takes to make sure part of the country isn't taken away."

On the one true democracy:
“There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet.”

On moving the U.N.:Everyone here today came across the Atlantic or the Pacific, and I ask you, why? Is this Jerusalem, or Mecca? All of you have jetlag and are physically tired. Many of you are very tired because your biological mind should be asleep right now. Think about it, why should we continue to meet here in America?"

On Barack Obama, 2:"I have said to you before that even if Libya and the United States enter into war, God forbid, you will always remain my son, and I have all the love for you as a son, and I do not want your image to change with me." (In a letter addressed to BHO and given to the press, March 20, 2011 -- just when American and European forces began strikes against his government.)

On Pirates in Somalia:
"These men are not pirates. We are the pirates. We are all pirates. We went there to their territorial waters, and they are just protecting the food of their children. The solution does not lie in sending military ships to Somalia."

More on the U.N.:
"The Security Council since its establishment did not provide us with security but on the contrary provides us with terror and sanctions. It was used against us. It should not be called a security council, it should be called a terror council.”
 On the February 2011 Protest leaders:
"Youths. . .were killed, but not those who provoked them. The ringleaders are in their homes or they are abroad, comfortable, and having fun."
On Protestors in Tripoli: 
"Their ages are 17. They give them pills at night, they put hallucinatory pills in their drinks, their milk, their coffee, their Nescafe." (Claiming that February 2011 protesters are acting on drugs given to them by al-Qaeda operatives.) 

Who killed Jack Kennedy?:
"We know that the Israeli Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, who had killed the president. And then this Israeli died. We have to know how and why this happened, so such things will not be repeated."

"He did have his penis out because of past experiences he had at Wal-Mart"

By Mona Goldwater
Societal Mores Editor

Travis Keen, 28, busted on August 9th on an obscenity charge - mug shot from Ouachita Parish, Louisiana Police
Travis Keen, a 28 year-old in Louisiana was arrested earlier this month for driving around a Wal-Mart parking lot with his penis exposed and leering at women entering and exiting the big box store. When stopped by police and questioned Keen, according to the police report, "stated he did have his penis out because of past experiences he had at Wal-Mart. Keen stated when he comes to Wal-Mart he gets aroused."


Monday, August 22, 2011

47 years ago today, The Beatles first played Seattle and fished from their hotel room window

Three bucks!

By Jack Brummet
Rock Editor

47 years ago today, The Beatles first appeared in Seattle at the Seattle Center Coliseum (now called The Arena) and fished from their hotel room at The Edgewater Inn.  According to an article by Greg Lange and Alan J. Stein on historylink.org:

"That evening, the opening acts took to the stage beginning at 8:00 p.m. At 9:25 disc jockey Pat O’Day from radio station KJR, Seattle's leading Rock and Roll station, introduced the Beatles. The crowd went wild.

Ringo fishes from his hotel room at The Edgewater Inn on Elliott Bay

"Screaming fans made the noise in the Coliseum deafening and few if any could hear the songs. The Beatles played: "All My Lovin’," "Twist and Shout," "You Can’t Do That," "She Loves You," "Can’t Buy Me Love," "If I Fell In Love With You," "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," "Boys" (sung solo by Ringo Starr), and "Roll Over Beethoven." They ended the concert with "Long Tall Sally."

"During the concert, hundreds of teenage girls rushed the stage in the hopes of catching the eyes of their idols. Police and firefighters did their best to prevent injuries, but 35 people required first aid treatment, ranging from bumps and bruises to all-out hysteria. One girl was restrained on a stretcher, all the while screaming "Paul! I love you!"

"The Beatles waited an hour before leaving the Coliseum in the rear of an ambulance that returned them to the heavily guarded Edgewater Inn on the waterfront. They earned $34,569 for their performance."

I got to see them there two years later, when I was 13.  That was one of their final shows.  After leaving Seattle, they played two shows in California, and never played in public again except for the famous rooftop concert around their album.

Libya News: another mid-east domino topples

All this king's horses, and all the king's men (not to mention the long-faithful all-female guard [about which, see our earlier article here]. could not keep Muammar's regime intact.  From this morning's New York Times:

"Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's grip on power dissolved with astonishing speed as rebels swept the capital, declaring victory. Colonel Qaddafi’s precise whereabouts remained unknown and news reports said loyalist forces still held pockets of the city, stubbornly resisting the rebel advance. Overnight, in Tripoli’s central Green Square, the site of many manufactured rallies in support of Colonel Qaddafi, jubilant Libyans tore down posters of him and stomped on them. The rebel leadership announced that the elite presidential guard protecting the Libyan leader had surrendered and that their forces controlled many parts of the city, but not Colonel Qaddafi’s leadership compound."

Previously on Quaddafi on ATIT: The women a/k/a Amazonian Guards charged with keeping Muammar Qaddafi in one piece

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Faces No. 245 - org chart

By Jack Brummet
[analog-digital hybrid; hand drawn 24"x24" canvas digitized into photoshop]

click to enlarge

Friday, August 19, 2011

Great Britain's attempt to turn Adolf Hitler into a woman

By Jack Brummet,
Military History Editor

When World War II seemed like it would never end, with Germany's unending pursuit of real estate, America dragging her feet, and the relentless Blitzkrieg pounding London almost nightly, British spooks cooked up a plan to insinuate Hitler’s food with female sex hormones (e.g., estrogen) in hopes of taming the killer inside him.

Counterintelligence agents came up with a plan to smuggle doses of estrogen into his food to make him less aggressive.  The Fuhrer, natch, had a battery of food tasters.   But estrogen is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, and works slowly.  The food tasters would never detect it.

[Editor's note:   This reminds us of the wacky CIA plans cooked up in the 60's to poison Fidel Castro's cigars, and another one to slip him drugs that would make his beard and hair fall out.]

The Allied plan to nudge Hitler into womanhood is just one of the many bizarre plots detailed in a cool new book: Secret Weapons: Technology, Science And The Race To Win World War II, by Brian Ford.  You could buy a copy here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Poem: Getting Crowded


Getting Crowded
By Jack Brummet

We cover the earth
With Venn Diagrams

As our steps
Bisect old steps.

Faces No. 243 - night school

Drawings by Jack Brummet

click to enlarge

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Think Progress's "10 things you need to know about Rick Perry"

Via Pablo Fanque, All This Is That National Affairs Editor


Not To Scale - Smoke Farm LoFi Arts Festival (Photos) & Cafe Nordo treehouse dinner

By Jack Brummet, Arts Editor

I spent last Saturday at the Not To Scale - Smoke Farm LoFi Arts Festival at Smoke Farm
near Arlington, WA.  The festival features site-specific work in all visual and performance media--all spread across something like 300 acres a couple of rivers, creeks, and rugged hills.  Perhaps the most interesting thing we did that day was the Cafe Nordo dinner.    After you signed up (21 of us), they told you to come to the barn sober at 6:00 with good walking shoes. We paid our $20, were blindfolded and driven about ten minutes to a trailhead. Then we made the brutal hike to our dining destination, fording three creeks, dozens of fallen trees, and muddy steep hills up and down. But then we arrived at a beautiful treehouse 30 feet up an old and very large cedar tree, where were fed excellent chow paired with very good wines (see the menu, below).

Titanium Sporkestra plays at the bonfire (love these guys)

Daryle and Susan at the bonfire.  Daryle ran a great treat shack at the fest.

A sculpture that becomes part of an aerial performance

A tree in a tree 0n the hike to our treehouse dinner

Susan at the treehouse, with the salad granita

Our servers by the hoist

Michael by the tree

the menu

Titanium Sporkestra

Faces No. 242 - the downsizing meeting

Drawings by Jack Brummet

click to enlarge