By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
Mitt Romney introduced Paul Ryan this morning as the "next President of the United States." He later corrected himself, but, who knows?— he may have been right the first time.
I'm good with this choice. He's great for "the base" and ensures there will be exactly zero bleedthrough from the Democratic middle. Isn't it funny that we don't have a good term for more conservative democrats? Blue Dog Democrat probably comes closest. The phrase "Moderate Republican" used to actually mean something.
Moderate Republicans unfortunately became extinct sometime around the time of the Millennium. I now believe the Democrats can and will win this election (up to, and including, The Senate). The GOP/Tea Party, and especially their candidate, keep lobbing incredibly sweet cream-puffs at the Dems. Sadly, I don't think any Veep candidate can much help the Ex-Governor's chances of taking the White House. . .unless they seal the candidate's mouth with duct tape until November 6th.
Mitt Romney has cashed his check. The time of the Democrats has come. Virtually every Romney supporter I've met is not really so much for Romney as they are against Obama. BHO needs to get his message out there: the auto companies are booming and repaying the money he loaned them, with interest; Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are profitable again; the TARP money has mostly proven to be a very good investment. A little bit of health care reform went down on his watch too, on top of winding down wars on two fronts, ending Don't Ask/Don't tell, and (finally!) coming out in favor of same-sex marriage. This could be a rout.