Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Melanie Odelle (a/k/a Curran)'s EP release, Honky Tonk Highway

By Jack Brummet, Music Ed.

I have more than one niece (see, also, Paloma Ford releasing music.  Check out my niece and birthmate's new EP on BandCamp.   It's only three bones.


Friday, December 05, 2014

Malapropisms in The Sopranos

Compiled by By Jack Brummet

"She's an albacore around my neck." - Johnny Soprano, about his wife Livia

"Create a little dysentery in the ranks" -Christopher Moltisanti

"We're in a f***ing stagmire." - Little Carmine Lupertazzi

"Alright, sure. Go ahead. I'm a little miffled but yeah. . ." - Tony Soprano

"My friends have abandoned me. I've been f***ing ostrified." - Little Carmine Lupertazzi

"I agree with that Senator Sanitorium. He says, if we let this stuff go too far, pretty soon we'll be fucking dogs." - Tony

"There's no stigmata connected with going to a shrink" - Little Carmine Lupertazzi

"What with the passing of Vito Senior and all that entrails..." - Tony

"I was prostate with grief." - Tony

"Quasimodo predicted all of this." -Bobby Baccalieri [referring to Nostradamus]

"A guy like that is going out with a woman, he could technically not have penissary contact with her Volvo" - Tony

"You know, Sung Tizzoo! The Chinese Prince Matchabelli!" - Paulie Gualtieri [Sun Tzu and Machiavelli]

"From now on, keep your antidotes to local color, like Dinoflow or Maguire sisters. Otherwise, SHUT THE F*** UP!   There's an old Italian saying: you f*** up once, you lose two teeth." - Tony

"He's an old-fashioned kind of guy - very allegorical." - Little Carmine Lupertazzi

Hands Up; Don't Shoot!

By Jack Brummet


Thursday, December 04, 2014

Beginning a Faces drawing

By Jack Brummet


Poem: The islands from eight miles high

By Jack Brummet

Beneath a chiseled frieze of cerulean blue
Islands recede into the water
To settle on the sea floor

Like an archipelago of Atlantises.
Islands come and go,
Bobbing up and bobbing down

Like lost corks
Drifting seven seas,
Treading continents,

Threading between islands and straits.
They crest the waves
Beneath gathering clouds

As flocks of birds
Circumnavigate the globe,
Shuttling from landfall to landfall.

#YouCouldOrderAFewMore: Air Force shares one wrench to attach nuclear warheads between three missile bases (they Fed Ex it back and forth!)

From The New York Times, Nov. 13, 2014:

"Pentagon studies of America’s nuclear missile infrastructure released in November included the revelation that nuclear warheads had to be attached with a particular wrench, even though the Air Force only owned one with which to service 450 missiles housed at three bases. Consequently, one official told the New York Times, 'They started FedExing the one tool' back and forth."

No one had checked in years, he said, “to see if new tools were being made,” typical of maintenance problems that had “been around so long that no one reported them anymore.”


Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Poem: The Grey Ambassador

By Jack Brummet

Flybys, crop circles, and other maneuvers
Were executed
To demonstrate their capability.

After the flybys, came landings, and contact.
The visitors
Did not appear hostile.

Some say we were softened up
By E.T., Klaatu, and ALF
And thought this was a mission of mercy.

If they figured out how to get here,
And have come to make war,
We can't stop them.

If they "come in peace"
To teach what they learned
The Hard Way,
Let’s get started.