Monday, June 19, 2017

Richard Nixon Tweet on Shakespeare and President Donald J. Trump

by Jack Brummet


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Notes from yesterday on The Administration's myriad troubles

by Jack Brummet, Scandal Ed.

1) It will be a real mind effer if the Attorney General invokes the 5th Amendment today. 

2) Almost more likely, he un-recuses himself, fires Mueller and maybe Rosenstein two hours before the hearing. 

3) Less likely:
the Veep, the generals, Tillerson, etc., run a 25th amendment coup d'etat.

4) I know everyone thinks the public accolade part of the first full cabinet meeting had chimes of 3rd world/totalitarian politics. This is overthinking it; the cabinet merely provided, in exchange for their honor, what is known in the dating world as a courtesy fuck.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Samizdat in Cuba

by Jack Brummet, Travel Ed.

This is a fascinating and hopeful article (there is a button on the site to translate) that Keelin found.

The Cuban people have developed something like a modern/digital Samizdat (the clandestine distribution of literature banned by the state, in the communist countries of eastern Europe) to get news and entertainment from outside the state-controlled media and propaganda machine. Instead of Xeroxes, they use USB drives that can be purchased for 30 pesos (about $1.20) or portable hard drives. (Translation button is on the right-hand side of the page)