Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One more dull debate, with McCain edging Obama?

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

The two candidates debated last night in Nashville, and predictably clashed on the economy, taxes, the economic bailout, and the wars in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. We heard very little we hadn't heard before.

John McCain needed a bump from this debate to raise his standings and give him a shot in what appears to be an electoral college lock by Obama. He probably will not get that bump. He did however, mostly redeem himself from his earlier debate performance with a relaxed, folksy performance, "my friends." He was short on substance and never seriously went on the attack. Not completely unexpectedly, there were a couple of strange moments: when answering Tom Brokaw's question about who he would appoint Treasury Secretary, he answered "Not you Tom!" and at one point he vaguely gestured toward Barack Obama and called him "that one." McCain did not bring up any of the mud-slinging "character" issues his partner in crime, Sarah Palin has been hammering away at in rallies recently.

For his part, Obama provided more specifics, and consistently linked McCain with George W. Bush. In a dust-up on foreign policy, Obama hammered away at McCain's steadiness. "This is a guy who sang bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, who called for the annihilation of North Korea—that I don't think is an example of speaking softly." Obama, however, once again appeared stiff and detached. The man just doesn't seem to be able to loosen up on stage, and while he is a great orator, his skills in retail politics are lacking. He never quite connects in these debates the way he seems to when he is alone in the spotlight.

If the debate had a winner, it may have been John McCain. While Obama once again appeared Presidential, McCain was able to connect with the audience in a more folksy way, reminiscent of the old John McCain that people loved. Unfortunately for John McCain, the old John McCain rarely makes an appearance these days, ceding stage time to the George Bush-lapdog McCain.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

John McPenguin video

John McCain morphs into a penguin.


The Sarah Palin movie

As advertised on Craig's list:


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Looking for a Sarah Palin lookalike for an adult film to be shot in next 10 days. Major adult studio. Please send pix, stats etc. ASAP Pay:


No anal required

Location: LA

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Compensation: $2000-3000
PostingID: 836109998

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video of the Saturday night live Palin-Biden debate parody 10-4-2008

Here is a video clip of the full Biden-Palin debate parody from Saturday Night Live, October 4th, 2008:

The Great Debate, McCain v. Obama, Part II

Click the debaters to enlarge

To call it the great debate is to besmirch the memory of Lincoln and Douglas, particularly now that the level of mud-slinging has accelerated to epic proportions on both sides. But just like the train-wreck you see coming, you can't take your eyes off the track. Here's hoping Obama shows some real passion and that McCain comes completely unhinged (there's only about two screws left in those hinges, and they look pretty rusty). Whatever happens, tonight's dust-up in Nashville should prove interesting.

Will Obama come out warm fully locked-on to the voters, and ready to do battle (as opposed to a more staid parry and thrust)? Or will he play the cool detached professor again? Will John McCain come out as the folksy "maverick," or the deranged Captain Queeg? Will they stick close to their established personas and leave us scratching our heads at one more snooze-fest, or will one of them take a real shot at either the issues or their opponent?

All This Is That White Flag Of Surrender

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Nice Sarah Palin<---->Dick Cheney Morph

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
This morph is from It is utterly unattributed.

A List of Lists from All This Is That

A List of my favorite poets
A list of favorite Bob Dylan songs
Complete list of Jack Brummet poems published on All This Is That
Another list: Blues-men and women
A new music list: My favorite Grateful Dead tunes
The People At Your Office (Jack List Number 1-A)
Some favorite songs about dancing
The 300 Most Common Words (List Number 3)
Another list: my favorite Kinks tracks
A list of movies that always make me laugh
Another All This Is That List: A few things you didn't know about the President of the United States
Wikipedia's list of counterculture films
Some stock characters (Jack List Number 2)
The Phonetic Cop Alphabet.(List Number 5)
Give Yourself More Space In The Elevator (List Number 7)
Jack Brummet: Growing Up Hillbilly:::An index of growing up tales
Jackulation — a list of Jacks
Google Information Search of recent articles on George Bush appearing in All This Is That.
Five Greatest Cities In The United States
What The Movies Teach Us (List Number 8)
My Favorite Rock and Jazz Shows
More Shows I've seen over the years
Are you a psychopath? Take the psychopathy test. 9)
An Index of Jack's 50 Heroes & Villains Paintings
Index to the Paintings And Thumbnail Biographies of The Presidents Of The United States Disclaimers (Jack List Number 1)
The finger, the wanker, the cuckoo sign, the shocker, rock horns, the shaka sign, and many more ---o0o---

A new music list: My favorite Grateful Dead tunes

Attics of my Life
Bird Song
Black Muddy River
Black Throated Wind
Box of Rain
Brokedown Palace
Brown Eyed Women
Built To Last
China Cat Sunflower
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Dire Wolf
Eyes of the World
Fire On The Mountain
Foolish Heart
Franklin's Tower
Friend of the Devil
From the Heart of Me
Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
Help on the Way
Here Comes Sunshine
He's Gone
I Know You Rider
Infrared Roses
Jack Straw
Looks Like rain
Lost Sailor
Magnesium Night Light
Mexicali Blues
Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodle-oo
Riverside Rhapsody
Saint of Circumstance
Scarlet Begonias
Shakedown Street
Silver Apples Of The Moon
St. Stephen
Stagger Lee
Standing On The Moon
Stella Blue
Tennessee Jed
Terrapin Station
The Eleven
The Golden Road To Unlimited Devotion
The Monkey and the Engineer
The Promised Land
The Wheel
Throwin' Stones
Tons of Steel
Touch of Grey
Unbroken Chain
Uncle John's Band
Walk Me Out in the Morning Dew
Wharf Rat


The upcoming debate

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

McPalin finally play the race card/Governor Palin takes to lying like a pig to slop

Governor Palin surrounded by supporters at a Saturday rally

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

On three separate occasions Saturday (and likely more by now), Sarah Palin played the race card, saying "This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America." He is "palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

Her reference to Obama's relationship with William Ayers, a member of the Vietnam-era Weather Underground, is an out and out lie; not her usual clueless blatherings, but a willfully confected prevarication. They were on some boards in Chacago together, but no one recalls them being "pals." Obama was still a kid when the Wearthermen threw their last bombs, and has denounced their actions on numerous occasions. By saying he is "not like us" she not so subtly suggests the Hawaii-born Obama with a Nigerian father is not really an American at all. Of course, John McCain wasn't even born in the United States. But never mind that.

Playing the race card in front of her almost exclusively white audiences is a clear demonstration of just how desperate the McPalin campaign has become. Unfortunately, even in a tight race, character assassination takes more than four weeks. Perhaps it is time for some more interviews with the Governor.

Palin's debate performance, as pathetic as it was, has clearly emboldened the campaign. This is not particularly shocking when you recall Senator McCain's track record on racial matters: he opposed a National Holiday to honor Martin Luther King, and later refused to call for for the removal of a Confederate flag from South Carolina's Capitol.

One man, one vote,

"One man one vote
Now izzat really real?
The name of our game is
Let's make a deal.

Now people got their problems
The haves and the have-nots.
But the ones that make me listen
Pay for 30-second spots!"

- Senator J. Billington Bulworth

Check the clip out here [Blogspot doesn't like Flash].