Saturday, October 16, 2010

Popular Science's Vision of the Future (1950) as envisioned in 1925

By Jack Brummet
Near Future Editor

[Thanks to Jeff Clinton for pointing this out...]

This [now] public domain image was published on the cover of "Popular Science Monthly in 1925.  It depicts the city of the future, the future they refer to happens in 1950.  It's pretty interesting to see the few things that have actually panned out, and the many that have not sixty years after their vision of the future occurs.

click to enlarge

Friday, October 15, 2010

"It Gets Better" -- It needs to get better every day

By Jack Brummet
Social Mores Editor

 I really hope it does get better. My brother-in law-Colin took his life in 1983. I don't think he was bullied per se as a young adult, but the atmosphere around being gay couldn't have helped (even in Manhattan) as he struggled with other issues. While it was different, I can't help but think of him every time I hear one of these heartbreaking stories.

Luke Burbank said yesterday that in ten years this will seem like a bad dream. He talked about the people in the 60's who would say "I don't have anything against blacks. They just shouldn't be allowed to go to the same restaurants as us."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Gorgeous "Father's Clothes" recorded at KEXP by Seattle's Grand Hallway

This is a really beautiful song, with a gorgeous arrangement and incredible, delicate work--"Father's Clothes-- by the Seattle band Grand Hallway.  It starts off like a perfect and moving Steven Reich or Phillip Glass song, and then after a couple of minutes, the vocals kick in and you are just. . .wow. . . Clarients, 'cello, three violins, piano, guitar, and, oh oboe.   This was like  mindf***er 2010chamber music!

A friend, Jaclyn, is the fiddle player in the grey blouse.  If you get the chance (btw, they're in NYC next week), go to one of their shows.


The Dems


The Buse

I don't who took this photograph of Gary Busey, but they unquestionably captured his strange, twisted and wonderful soul.  I'm with Busey!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Poem: a slippery slope

Anger management is itself a slippery slope
Next, we'll manage laughter so those not laughing
Won't feel left out or have something to cry about

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Poem: Tidiness is a phobia...or is it a mania?

Tidiness is phobia,
Cleanliness delusion,
And order, madness.

So much is lost--
Love, music, art,
Books, walks, and idle moments

Of shocking profundity and beauty,
Put on hold or abandoned.
Dr. Lister would be appalled.

We've become a nation of
Wielding sprayers, wipes, and germicides,

Madly laving away
The sepsis and cooties--
Scrubbing for dear life.

Cleanliness and tidiness
Are a bulwark
Against the inevitable.

Tidiness to the extreme
Exterminates the connections
Between the parts.

No one ever said
On their deathbed
I wish I'd had fewer dust bunnies.

- Jack Brummet

Monday, October 11, 2010

Alien Lore No. 185 - The Greatest Story Never Told - Roswell and Commander George W. Hoover

By Jack Brummet
Alien Lore & Unexplained Phenomena Editor

[thanks Jeff Clinton for the find]

Commander George W. Hoover, the "grandfather" of satellite technology--a friend and close associate of Dr. Werner von Braun--revealed that the truth about Roswell is a lot weirder, and closer to the accounts long ago dismissed as wack-job conspiracies, than we ever guessed. 

Hoover worked many years with with the U.S. Office of Naval Research, won a bazillion awards and medals, made huge contributions to atmospheric balloon research and to Werner von Braun's Project Orbiter--which led to the launch of Explorer I.   After he retired from the Navy, he worked with NASA and various companies in the military-industrial-space complex. He helped develop the first flight simulators, and was a very accomplished pilot himself.

In the 1950's, Dr. Werner Von Braun said "Everybody talks about satellites, then nobody does anything. George Hoover's contribution should never be forgotten."   The Vice Chief of the Navy, Admiral Harry D. Fel, said praised Hoover's contributions and organizational and logistical  brilliance.

Commander Hoover is seated at the far left at the table

Some UFOlogists believe that Hoover also assisted Fred Durant in the early UFO government study group "The Robertson Panel" as well as other official--both public and secret--UFO studies.

" [Hoover offered] the driving spirit, organizing genius, imagination and foresight which set in motion the mighty effort toward the first man-made earth satellite, man's first step toward space flight."  - Vice Chief of the Navy, Admiral Harry D. Felt
According to Anthony Bragalia, and Aurimas Svitojus, George W. Hoover Jr. recently revealed some remarkable tidbits about his father, including: the fact that Hoover Sr., in his official capacity, learned the real story (if there is one) about the Roswell crash sometime in the 1950s, or even earlier.  He also told his son that he had seen "evidence about the Roswell crash event that convinced him that it was neither a balloon nor a hoax."  Hoover, Sr., however would not go beyond that, and offered no further details.  George Hoover also says his dad had "both a personal and professional interest in UFOs." 

George Hoover Jr. says that his father spoke numerous times of the Roswell crash during the 1960s. Remember, this was well before the explosion of UFOlogy/coverups/conspiracies in the mainstream media in the 80's.  In the 50's and 60's, it was rarely spoken of, and UFOs and Alien Lore were not a part of pop culture, or the American psyche in general. 

An article by Anthiony Bragalia says there may be evidence that Hoover assisted Fred Durant of the early UFO government study group "The Robertson Panel" as well as on other official UFO studies.

In 1995 George W. Hoover Sr. left his papers with an associate of the History Channel. Some of Hoover's hints about Roswell that he had made to his own son were later corroborated in private, off-the-record conversations that Commander Hoover had with researcher Dr. William J. Birnes.

Commander George Hoover finally revealed what he really knew about Roswell. He explained the truth, or at least whatever version of the truth he had learned about decades ago.  According to more than one source, that truth was mainly the following:

  • UFOs are not the "biggest secret" the government has been sitting on--it is the entities behind them (or, as wel prefer to call them, The Greys, that are of most concern
  • Roswell was  a crash event of "visitors from somewhere else"
  • The Greys were "not so much interplanetary as much as they were...time travelers." They visitors had transcended time!
  • The visitors are clearly "from the future." There is reason to believe that they may even be "us" from a future Earth, and are not actually visiting, but Coming Home.
  • These "future humans" have the ability to "manipulate reality around us."
  • The government feared the intentions and abilities of the "visitors."  Wouldn't you?
  • These visitors are able to use the power of consciousness in extraordinary ways to morph reality.
  • And, maybe the best, or, most hopeful part:  human beings are far more powerful in potential than we ever dreamed. We can't yet even comprehend our amazing future capabilities.

Drawing: Scratchboard face

Drawing by Jack Brummet: analog
scratchboard/digital reverse of analog
scratchboard image - click to enlarge

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Alien Lore No. 184 New book claims UFOs will come out of the closet this week?

 By Jack Brummet
Alien Lore, Paranormal & Unexplained Phenomena Editor

[Thanks to Dr. Stephen Clarke-Willson for spotting this and sending it along.]

A recent book by retired Air Force officer/NORAD staffer, Stanley A. Fulham,  predicts that  next week, on October 13, 2010, we will witness a "massive UFO display over the world’s biggest cities." 

According to Fulham, the aliens will not, buzz, strafe, or communicate on that date, because they know from their previous experience with other planets that sudden intervention will cause fear and panic.
"[This event will] occur this year, in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed forever." - Stanley Fulham

“Challenges Of Change” reports that this coming out is only the beginning. The aliens will help us remove our poisonous gasses, he says, and that all this will be done by 2015, or earlier.

"The aliens will reveal themselves in a massive UFO display over our principal cities as a first step. They won’t land but they will do so [later]. And I predict that this will happen on October 13, 2010…. It may not happen on October 13. It may happen in November or December. But it will happen this year." - Stanley Fulham in a YouTube video
Stanley Fulham claims to have had extensive communication with The Greys, and that they have told him about things such as climate change, international terrorism, and other topics, because they want the information out without coming down themselves and causing an uproar.

Sarah Palin's befuddled take on "Reagan Country"

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Once again, Sarah Palin jumps the shark.  On the other hand, is that really surprising? If Ronald Reagan was running today, he would be ridiculed and excoriated by the Tea Party/Wingnuts as an unregenerate centrist and advocate of liberal appeasement. But then, Hermann Göring and Joseph Goebbels would probably also fail the litmus test.

Sarah Palin posted the following on Facebook earlier today:

This is still Reagan Country

by Sarah Palin
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just woke this morning in Bakersfield to see that the local newspaper, The Californian, has endorsed Carly Fiorina. Check out the article here to see why Carly is the best choice for California. And please check out the campaign website for Star Parker who is running for Congress from California’s 37th district. I’m in Bakersfield today for the Bakersfield Business Conference, and tonight I’ll be in San Diego for an event for the Combat Veterans For Congress.

California is at a major crossroad in this election, and the eyes of the nation are on this state because the Golden State has unfortunately become a case study in failed liberal policies. This great state for generations has been the epitome of America’s optimism and entrepreneurial spirit. It has led the nation in agriculture, technology, and entertainment. But for years now California has been over-taxed, over-regulated, and overwhelmed by an ever increasing government bureaucracy. Sound familiar? California can turn this around, and so can America. It starts in November. This is still Reagan Country!

- Sarah Palin