Showing posts with label Adolph Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adolph Hitler. Show all posts

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Parallels between Hitler's Bunker and The John McCain War-room

This may sound a little familiar to anyone who has read an American newspaper in the last month:

"Hitler reviewed the war room maps and moved troops [voters] that didn't exist. And his Generals [Robert Mosbacher, Frederic V. Malek, Jill Hazelbaker,Steve Schmidt, Rick Davis, Bill McInturff, et al] knew that the cause was lost but they didn't have the courage to say so.

"German soldiers [that is, Congress and Governors trying to run as Republicans] , including members of the Hitler's youth, were sacrificed to buy just little more time for a regime that controlled a few blocks of Berlin at best. "

"Eva Braun [a/k/a Cindy McCain] was depicted as the lady in waiting as she entertained the inner circle. Beneath the surface of this apparently fun loving woman was a dedicated Nazis who wanted to die with her Fuhrer. She had been the loyal girl friend, sitting in the background and only at the end did she receive her Fuhrer's hand in marriage."

"Propaganda Minister Joel Goebel [a/k/a Senator "Crazy" Joe Lieberman] and his wife, Magda, couldn't imagine a world without Hitler and his National Socialism ideology. They don't even want their own children to be part of just a world, so they kill their own children before ending their own life. There was one surreal scene where Himmler asked an aide whether he should give Eisenhower the Nazis salute or shake his hand as he negotiated Germany surrender. "

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Must see video: Mashup of Downfall with the McCain-Palin campaign

The New York Times had a great article on Sunday about people using footage from the German film Downfall to create all sorts of mashups and confabulations. . .

This YouTube video mashes up the doomed McPalin team with our long-vanquished enemy, Der Fuhrer. The writing is strong, and funny. . .


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Adolph Hitler's return to Berlin

Madame Tussand's withered, hunched over, half-mad rendition of Hitler is now on display
The Times of London reported today that a wax figure of Adolph Hitler has now arrived in Berlin. Interestingly, one of the last things Hitler said before he killed himself in April 1945 was that "he was determined not to fall into the hands of the Russians — and land up as the freak exhibit in a Moscow waxworks."

According to The Times "As luck would have it, Hitler — or, at least, a waxen effigy — has now been put on display in Berlin, a short stroll away from his former bunker.

"Thanks to Madame Tussauds, which has just opened a new affiliate in Berlin, Germans can at last view a realistic model of the Führer. The suspicion, though, is that he will bring nothing but trouble.

"To ensure that the wax Führer does not inspire neo-Nazi pilgrimages, Madame Tussauds has cordoned off the dummy and imposed a no-touch rule. You can kiss Robbie Williams or even Angela Merkel, but not Hitler; nor can you pose for a picture with him. There are CCTV cameras and the London-based company has also taken the precaution of moulding a very shrivelled Führer. Unlike the Hitler model in London, he is shown as a distinctly unvigorous character. It was created using 2,000 photographs of The Fuhrer for models."
I have drawn and painted a few Adlophs over the years. Here are two. One is a digital paintng, and one is a crude approximation I created in my police sketch software, Faces 3.0:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Monday, April 28, 2008

On this day, 63 years ago, Adolph Hitler committed suicide

It is nearly sixty-three years since Adolph Hitler resigned as Der Fuhrer by putting a gun in his mouth. Unfortunately, he resigned just about six years too late.

Before he began his assault on Europe, Hitler promised his followers the Third Reich would last 1,000 years. Twelve years later, in January 1945, as Montgomery and Patton's forces closed in on Berlin, Hitler retreated into a bunker beneath the Chancellery to live out his final days. Located 55 feet down, the shelter contained 18 rooms and was self-sufficient, with its own water and electrical supply. As he grew increasingly deranged, Hitler continued to meet with close subordinates like Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler and Josef Goebbels (who would join him, along with his entire family, in suicide).

One day after marrying his mistress, Eva Braun, Hitler and his new bride killed themselves by swallowing cyanide (Hitler also shot himself). The invading Russian soldiers found their charred remains in a bomb crater a couple of days later.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Adolph Hitler meets Miami Vice??

Click to Adolph Hitler and the youth to enlarge

Thanks to Dean Ericksen (our competitor) for pointing out this one. This photograph was recently offered for sale on EBay. The photo was taken around 1940. Hitler clearly, even at this early date (and when his war of domination still seemed winnable), looks frail and stooped. And those future Hitler youth, look amazingly colorful in juxtaposition with the drab Fuhrer.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

"Sure we'd invite Hitler to speak", says Columbia dean

The Dean of Columbia, John Coatsworth, said in an intervew that, yes, they would invite Hitler to speak if he were around today.

Well, sure. He was a rousing orator. And he was a vegetarian and loved children and dogs.


Friday, May 04, 2007

The Unknown Hitler, Partly Unveiled

In The Unknown Hitler: His Private Life and Fortune by Wulf Schwarzwaller, Herr. Schwarwaller suggests that Hitler's persuasive powers were based on lessons he learned from Sufiism, Gurdjieff, teachings of Tibetan llamas, and Zen Buddhism.

“In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge's objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of "Vril."

"Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff. Both Gurdjieff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan lodges that possessed the secret of the "Superman." The Lodge included Hitler, Aalfred, Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring and Hitler's subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell.

He also writes that:

"Alister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the "secret" psychological techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.”

BTW, I have heard the book this quote comes from described as "a tabloid in hard covers," and even harder to put down than a juicy tabloid. Alas, the book is out of print, but you can find used copies on the net.