Showing posts with label All This Is That. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All This Is That. Show all posts

Friday, September 09, 2011

Happy Birthday from All This Is That to Jeff Clinton

By Pablo Fanque, Mona Goldwater, and Jack Brummet

We want to wish a most happy birthday to Jeff Clinton.  Jeff is by far All This Is That's most frequent and prolific tipster, especially with images and photos, and links to paranormal and political topics.  And, besides all that, we just like him.

A photo of Barrister McCoy that Jack stumbled onto a couple years ago--
it bears more than a passing resemblance to Jeff

Have a great birthday Jeff.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The President's Head Explodes During Press Conference [six years ago today on All This Is That]

click to enlarge

[By Jack Brummet and Pablo Fanque, All This Is That Wire 6/28/2005 Cleveland, OH]

The President's head spontaneously exploded this afternoon as he formulated an answer to a three-part question from Heywood Jablomy of the Cheyenne Intelligencer. Seconds after the question was posed, the Presidents skull began glowing with a bright pink light and pieces of the skull seemed to break off and hover in the air.

Witnesses reported a deep ringing sound, followed by a loud bang and an overpowering smell of ozone. The whereabouts and medical condition of the President are not known at this time.

Pending further developments, the Vice-President invoked the 25th amendment to The Constitution and was sworn into office at 4:30 EDT today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

We lost a handful of posts in the recent Blogger hiccup...

In case you were wondering, we lost a handful of posts in the recent Blogger hiccup...some art by Jack, a finger of the day by Mona, and an in depth look at Ex-Governor Mike Huckabee's Presidential prospects by National Affairs Editor Pablo Fanque. And, no, we had no backups. We back up once a week, alas.

Monday, November 08, 2010

All This Is That Turns Six Years Old This Week

We began publishing this blog in November, 2004.  Since then, we've published 4,260 posts, or, roughly two per day.  At least 180 of these posts have focused on alien lore; 200 or so have been poems by Jack; three or four hundreds of Pablo Fanque's political pieces have appeared, as well as four hundred pieces of original art.  We have also published numerous pranks and japes; two letters from George W. Bush to the editors of All This Is That, dozens of articles on country, rock, bluegrass, and jazz; around 20 articles on Growing Up Hillbilly, hundreds of articles on Presidents, and Presidential elections, many articles on pop culture, and dozens of articles on the folly of humans and the human condition.  It's hard to sum up four thousand posts, but we have generally stuck to our mission of covering the paranormal, poetry, painting, politics, persiflage, and pop.

Over the next week, Pablo and Jack will be posting links to their favorite articles here.  We will also include links to Google's top searches here (of which, interestingly, none appear on either Jack's or Pablo's lists.

We started out very tentatively six years ago, feeling our way along as learned how to blog and how to publish every day.  We've gotten much better at it, and have published every single day for the last six years.  We have published this blog from all around the country--from Boston, Vancouver and Victoria Canada, NYC, San Francisco/Berkeley, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Orange County, England, Mexico, Greece, India, and Turkey.

Stay tuned this week for some of our favorites. 

Before we sign off today, we want to announce that we are adding another editor to our staff.  Our friend, and reformed Republican, Mona Goldwater will become a regular contributor on, or before, December 1, 2010. 

In closing, here is the very first piece to ever appear on All This Is That.  It is a short poem by Jack, that appeared our first day, November 16th, 2004:

Poem: Driving Home To Seattle, We Watch Deer Drinking from the Skookumchuck River

A rainbow loops over
the alder cathedral.

Dark clouds are sinking.
The Lamplighter

loans them a patch of land
and a heartbeat.

Jack Brummet
(originally appeared in The Croton Review)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All This Is That has returned to using word verification for comments

All This Is That has returned to using word verification for comments.  It kind of cuts against our ideas of creative anarchy and freedom, but we are seeing increasing--and skankier--spam all the time.  So, you'll have to answer the word challenge to post a comment.  Sorry about that.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Retraction: Pablo Fanque makes the rare mistake: Palin pregnancy story goes nowhere--Limbaugh, Hannity, and possibly Lieberman off the hook

On rare occasions, even Pablo Fanque is wrong . On July 4th, 2009, he reported that Sarah Palin resigned the governorship because she was pregant. Best line in his article: "Complicating things even further, another reporter saw Democrat convert Senator Arlen Specter leaving her hotel suite, with shoes in hand, at three in the morning."

Palin resignation bombshell: "Not really sure" if the father is Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh

July 4, 2009

By Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

Shortly after Governor Sarah Palin's hastily called, and sparsely attended, press conference at her home in Wasilla, Alaska yesterday, I was contacted by a friend in her administration. Take that with however many grains of salt you wish. . .I actually do have friends in her administration. None of those friends has ever leaked a word, or fed me anything of substance since the day her name began circulating on short lists of Sen. John McCain's VP choices. Until this afternoon.

Following Governor Sarah Palin's resignation announcement earlier today, a CNN anchor wondered: "Is Sarah Palin pregnant?" The talking head inadvertently stumbled onto the story, but failed to dig deep enough to uncover the underlying bombshell.

If you believe my source (I do), Governor Palin joins the ranks of Republicans involved in sex scandals in recent weeks. If troubles, like celebrity deaths, come in threes, Sarah Palin is about to join Governor Mark Sanford, and Senator John Ensign in the doghouse.

At the April Republican Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, the Governor was at loose ends. She had just been savaged by the press, and McCain campaign staffers were leaking nasty tidbits about her to friends in the press. She was there to network, to forget, and to party.

On at least two nights, she was drinking heavily with supporters and other prominent Republican officials. As it turns out, she became pregnant at the conference. The problem is, she's not sure whether the father is Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Complicating things even further, another reporter saw Democrat convert Senator Arlen Specter leaving her hotel suite, with shoes in hand, at three in the morning."

To quote the Governor from her press conference yesterday, there is little doubt that she is "advancing in another direction."


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can anyone explain why so many people are coming here looking for Jeri Kehn Thompson photos?

There are dozens of photos of Jeri Kehn here, from the 2008 election. Yeah, we admit it became a bit of an obsession. But why, for the last month, are 300-500 people a day coming to All This Is That to look for them? We're utterly stumped. We know we're high on the Google Kehn search results--but that only brought in a couple dozen of people a day...until recently.

When traffic suddenly went up, we figured she'd died, or filed for divorce, or had been somehow plunged back into the headlines. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

If you can, let us know why--and how--you stopped by to see the Jeri Kehn photos. It's a puzzler for us. And, hey, while you're hear, check out the archives, and become a regular, or subscribe to our RSS feeds. . .

By by the way, this posting lists all of the Jeri Kehn photos published here.

Jack Brummet, Editor in Chief
Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Counterpoint: Pablo Fanque: when do we get your retraction on Arlen Specter?

By Jack Brummet
All This Is That Folklore and Poetry Editor

It was less than two weeks ago that you, Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor, befouled All This Is That with a euphoric encomium (Celebrate! Sen. Arlen Specter extricates himself from The Hive--> The GOP begins to succumb to The Sickness) on Arlen Specter, illustrated with The Spec' wearing a halo.

It's been a week since I questioned your sanity on that one (Rebuttal: Pablo Fanque, are you out of your f***ing mind? Arlen Specter: Hero?). And yet, we have seen nothing on these pages even faintly resembling a retraction or apology. Are you waiting for the heat to die down? Or, are you not man enough to stand up and defend your boy now that he has stepped in the proverbial pile? Or have you switched parties yourself?
Since your anointment of the turncoat Senator as The Second Coming, Arlen Specter has:
  • Said on Meet The Press that he never told President Obama that he would be loyal.
  • Voted against BHO's budget only a day after he announced his party switch.
  • Voted against a Democratic bill designed help homeowners in bankruptcy court
  • Told the New York Times has was pulling for Norm Coleman to win in court against Al Franken.
  • Announced his national health plan, based on diet and exercise.
  • Seen the democrats strip away his seniority in retaliation for his disloyalty.
  • Claimed the The President "would seek my advice, especially when I disagree with him.”
  • Virtually admitted he switched parties only to save his own skin. He makes Crazy Joe Lieberman look like a Yellow Dog Democrat.

As Gail Collins said in the New York Times "Specter’s theory is that his propensity to do whatever he wants should not only be tolerated, but constantly rewarded. That’s not character. It’s self-indulgence. "

In the end, Democrats foolishly gave Arlen Specter a face-saving subcommittee; he got off with just a slap on the wrist. And a halo, from you, Pablo Fanque. How do you like your angel these days, Pabs?

Friday, March 20, 2009

We beat The Beach Boys?

By Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Editor


Jack Brummet
All This Is That Poetry, Pranks, Paranormal, Pop, Painting, and Persiflage Editor

As you probably don't know, All This Is That is named after a Beach Boys song with the same name. The song itself is about eastern philosophy and meditation. Why did we name this blog All This Is That? Because we liked The Beach Boys, and we liked the way it sounded. And because All This IS That. It really is.

These days on most search engines (especially Google), All This Is That is the first result. We beat the Beach Boys! Jack's wife Keelin looked at us with a jaundiced eye when we told her that. Kind of a "OK. Who cares?" look. And she's probably right. It's narcissistic? Maybe. But it really just feels like a tiny bit of vindication. . .something we don't get a lot of. Just an acknowledgement that maybe four and a half years flogging this blog hasn't gone completely unnoticed...

Craven, 'though we may be, it's kind of cool. A video of the song appears below. . .


Sunday, November 16, 2008

All This Is That begins its 5th year today

click to enlarge

All This Is That is four years old today. So, I'm just going to ramble about that.

We've been farked five or six times, which is always fun, because 10,000-15,000 people show up. But the interesting thing about is that their readers are always looking for the next weird story. . .none of them become regulars. Once in a while we are someone's blog of the day, or a blog or website notes a--usually bizarre--post here, and between 30 and 500 people turn up.

Most of our readers Google into here. More than half the traffic on All This Is That comes from Google, Yahoo and other search engines; 40% of the visitors are regular readers. Most of our visitors come from the U.S. and Canada, England, Australia, Turkey, Japan, Germany, Croatia, Brazil, and Ireland, in that order.

Even though it's been four years, I still haven't gotten around to writing some stories I've promised (this year, for sure!). The content here, as you may have noticed, is random, and mostly generated by whatever strikes my fancy on any particular day. For the last year and a half a big focus has been the U.S. Presidential race. Six weeks in the last year were extended travelogues as I documented my travels in Mexico, England, Turkey and Greece. If I actually focused on something, we could generate tons of visitors. But I have never found any particular area I'd like to focus on. I'm not a niche kind of guy, I guess.

We've now hit Alien Lore story Number 145. I have published 150 original poems in the last four years. And we have published hundreds of weird stories. Some articles that come up at the top of a Google search: Looking for Nude Condoleezza Rice Photos?; Matt Bevalaqua, the killer; Enumclaw Horse Sex; The Brady Bunch Porn Movie; Clemenza's Godfather spaghetti sauce; and a few others). Every day dozens to hundreds of people come searching for those. A lot of people come looking for images and photos. Since even the early days, we've always published a lot of photos, paintings, and images. I've seen images I've created appear on dozens of other blogs and websites.

I've never written a word about my work (a/k/a "day job") in all this time. I think I'll keep it that way, even though I love my job, co-workers, and the business we're in...this gets too complicated as it is. . .

I still want to write these stories sometime (all are at least half-done):

My Worst Jobs, Part 6: The Fish: My five years working at Carl Fischer Music

Dad, or, John Newton Brummet II

The Kent Bus Depot (almost done!)

The Hook Arm, the Wooden Leg, False teeth, and Girdles - My people. One more hillbilly tale.

Growing Up Hillbilly (they stopped in Seattle because you'd need a boat to go further)

Growing up Kent: The Liquor Store, The Butcher, and The Barber

My life as an orderly

Well, I'll get around to it sometime. In the meantime, I've am enjoying not writing about politics for a while. Our Alien Lore readership has seriously dwindled with a dearth of content (interestingly, when I publish those stories, readership goes way up, but the regulars click away very quickly).

One in a while, I think about pulling the plug. But then I come to my senses. If a few hundred people a day show up, I must be doing something right. If I publish a book of poems--and I probably will sometime soon--it will sell a few hundred copies. If I publish a poem here, that many people will read it in one day. When I publish in a magazine that's good for my literary career, but, let's face it. . .no one reads 'em!

More soon. . .

Monday, October 06, 2008

A List of Lists from All This Is That

A List of my favorite poets
A list of favorite Bob Dylan songs
Complete list of Jack Brummet poems published on All This Is That
Another list: Blues-men and women
A new music list: My favorite Grateful Dead tunes
The People At Your Office (Jack List Number 1-A)
Some favorite songs about dancing
The 300 Most Common Words (List Number 3)
Another list: my favorite Kinks tracks
A list of movies that always make me laugh
Another All This Is That List: A few things you didn't know about the President of the United States
Wikipedia's list of counterculture films
Some stock characters (Jack List Number 2)
The Phonetic Cop Alphabet.(List Number 5)
Give Yourself More Space In The Elevator (List Number 7)
Jack Brummet: Growing Up Hillbilly:::An index of growing up tales
Jackulation — a list of Jacks
Google Information Search of recent articles on George Bush appearing in All This Is That.
Five Greatest Cities In The United States
What The Movies Teach Us (List Number 8)
My Favorite Rock and Jazz Shows
More Shows I've seen over the years
Are you a psychopath? Take the psychopathy test. 9)
An Index of Jack's 50 Heroes & Villains Paintings
Index to the Paintings And Thumbnail Biographies of The Presidents Of The United States Disclaimers (Jack List Number 1)
The finger, the wanker, the cuckoo sign, the shocker, rock horns, the shaka sign, and many more ---o0o---