Showing posts with label Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bigfoot. Show all posts

Friday, October 07, 2011

The Lost Coast Tapes (coming soon?)

By Jack Brummet, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomena Editor

The Lost Coast Tapes is a new horror-POV feature that has just finished post-production and should be out sometime in 2012.  It is already getting some buzz.    The Lost Coast Tapes follows a group of investigative journalists as they set out to Northern California to debunk a rogue hunter who claims he has a Bigfoot in captivity (now you know why we're writing about this!).  The tagline:

"In 2011 a documentary crew traveled to a remote site in Northern California to verify the discovery of a dead Sasquatch. This footage is all that remains."

If this poster for The Lost Coast Tapes has anything to do with the movie at all, this is pretty exciting.  It is directed by Corey Grant and they promise to release a teaser trailer soon. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Spokane River Bigfoot

By Jack Brummet
Bigfoot-Yeti-Sasquatch Editor


A YouTube user--Samantha13950 --says she and some friends encountered a Sasquatch while hiking along the Spokane River.

"While hiking, we accidentally caught an image of Bigfoot walking through the woods. I didn't even notice until I got home and saw it on the computer! This scarred the crap out of us! Video uploaded by samantha13950 on May 23, 2011."

Some Bigfoot investigators and aficionados are skeptical of this one, for the usual reasons.  And, they say, there doesn't appear to be a large enough area to sustain a Bigfoot habitat near this sighting.   It's interesting--they have theories of the breadth of its range...although no one has actually examined one or studied them as a group (depending on whose stories you believe).


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bigfoot makes his presence known in the southland

We like to think that the range of the Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, is mostly in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, but there have been numerous recent sightings in the east, below the Mason-Dixon line:

A North Carolina man--who swears he is sober in the audio clip--claims to have recently seen a Bigfoot on his property. 


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Alien Lore No. 141 - The psychic Sasquatch and their connection with The Greys

An interesting book just came to my attention via Jeff Clinton (the book is nearly ten years old): The Psychic Sasquatch: And Their UFO Connection by Jack Lapseritis.

Lapseritis contends that Bigfoot are "psychic and multidimensional," able to slip in and out of an unseen dimension, thus explaining how hard they are to pin down, shoot, capture, or photograph. Evidence is presented from first-hand accounts that Bigfoot works as a some sort of foot solder on earth, working with Extraterrestrials, as guards and scouts. The author is a UFOlogist and field investigator/scientist who has studied this issue for many years.
"In 1979, Mr. Lapseritis was first telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and ET simultaneously, which was the shock of his life. To further complicate matters, the contact changed him and he developed psychic ability overnight, which triggered a spiritual transformation. At the time, he was Assistant Director of an urban Indian agency, worked as a hypno-therapist and had been lecturing at the Medical College of Wisconsin and was ill-prepared for such a happening. "