Showing posts with label President George W. Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President George W. Bush. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The President's Head Explodes During Press Conference [six years ago today on All This Is That]

click to enlarge

[By Jack Brummet and Pablo Fanque, All This Is That Wire 6/28/2005 Cleveland, OH]

The President's head spontaneously exploded this afternoon as he formulated an answer to a three-part question from Heywood Jablomy of the Cheyenne Intelligencer. Seconds after the question was posed, the Presidents skull began glowing with a bright pink light and pieces of the skull seemed to break off and hover in the air.

Witnesses reported a deep ringing sound, followed by a loud bang and an overpowering smell of ozone. The whereabouts and medical condition of the President are not known at this time.

Pending further developments, the Vice-President invoked the 25th amendment to The Constitution and was sworn into office at 4:30 EDT today.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Finger of the Day No. 6 - George W. Bush caught on video clowning with his finger

By Mona Goldwater
and Pablo Fanque,
Folkways Editors

George W. Bush clowns around during a videotaping session, and gives the finger that would come back to haunt him when he ran for President. You can hear the audible gasps from the crew and handlers.  They weren't shocked he gave the finger; they were shocked he did it while the cameras rolled ("that's just my one-finger victory salute").


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finger of the day No. 2: four political fingers - President Obama, Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller, President George W. Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

By Pablo Fanque & Mona Goldwater

The photo of Nelson Rockefeller is one of our favorite political photos ever.  It was 1976, and  by then he knew he would not be the nominee for president in 1976.  So, Nelson kicked back and lived the good life as the Vice President.

At a rally, a heckler was hucking verbal garbage at him, and Rocky leaned across the podium and gave him a righteous finger. The photo appeared in newspapers everywhere the next day.  People were offended  a man of such high office and supposed dignity could resort to a crude gesture like the finger.  The rest of us mostly thought it was just awesome a politician could show exactly what he was feeling. 

click images to enlarge

Friday, January 15, 2010

Our two favorite letters from George W. Bush

By Pablo Fanque (National Affairs Ed.) and Jack Brummet (Arts and Social Mores ed.)

As you may or may not remember, we (Jack and Pablo) have corresponded periodically with the Presidents (we've only had two since All This Is That started five years ago). Our letters to them ranged from out and out trolls to respectful invitations. One letter we received--that we cannot find!--came from a staffer and basically said "are you crazy? We're not giving this to The President."

But in response to some of our more, shall we say apparently positive and supportive letters?, we did hear back from The Boss himself.

Click the letters to enlarge.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A salute to President Barack Obama, George W. Bush's magnificent clean-up man, or, the man with the broom following the elephant

by Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

As you probably know, I frequently criticize Barack Obama. I voted for the man and I like the man, but have been disappointed by his compromising and centrist stance on the issues of the day. His cool, cerebral approach is often just a little too cool. And there have been odd moments of distraction--two that come to mind are the beer party he held for his old Professor and the cop who busted him, and flying thousands of miles to throw a Hail-Mary for a Chicago Olympics bid. But that is, really, pretty small stuff.

Barack Obama has inherited and masterfully begun to tackle hundreds of problems that President George W. Bush either left behind, or actually created. This hit home this week with the Christmas Day bombing attempt on a passenger jet. And, once again, BHO is left to clean up his predecessor's mess. One expert says that the billions of dollars we have spent on airport security have been virtually worthless. Security expert Bruce Schneier wrote this week:

"For years I've been saying 'Only two things have made flying safer [since 9/11]: the reinforcement of cockpit doors, and the fact that passengers know now to resist hijackers.'"

President Barack Obama said U.S. intelligence agencies missed “red flagsthat would have put the Nigerian bomber on a no-fly list before Christmas Day, when he is accused of trying to blow up an airliner. He called this lapse a "systemic failure."

Our government failed to heed warnings that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab could pose a terrorist threat even after his father warned U.S. authorities about his concerns, the president said yesterday. President Obama said: The warning signs would have triggered red flags, and the suspect would have never been allowed to board that plane for America. Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian, is charged with smuggling explosives onto a Northwest Airlines jet and trying to blow up the plane as it prepared to land in Detroit. The TSA's absurd response? Not let passengers leave their seats the last hour of a flight.

Obama said he expects results tomorrow from investigations he ordered into the nearly tragic failure of aviation security and terrorist intelligence gathering.

On top of everything else he assumed, The President now has to deal with cleaning up the entire national airline security system. If Bruce Schneier is correct, and it looks like he is, the President will need to rebuild that laughable system from the ground up. Between a two-front war, a teetering economy, and the other bits and pieces he must pick up, it's an absolute miracle Barack Obama was able to focus on health care reform. I'm glad to see he was able to get anything accomplished on that front. For now, he has to return to the job that will consume his next seven years in office: cleaning up the messes left behind by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Ex-First Lady Laura Bush on President Obama: Thurmbs Up!

click to enlarge

Let me tell you, this is a bit of a mindf***er. At a United Nations meeting in Paris, where Mrs. Bush was promoting literacy, she told CNN, among other things:

● Obama "is doing a good job."

● On the ridiculous brouhaha over BHO addressing the nation's schoolchildren: "I think there is a place for the president ... to talk to schoolchildren and encourage them."

● She does not think it is fair for Obama to be labeled a "socialist"

● On her husband George failing to work in a bipartisan manner: "He was disappointed that that was not the way it worked out in Washington."

● Paradoxically, she criticized the excessive partisanship of Washington, while she expressed gratitude for Cheney's decision to vocally "defend her husband's performance," even though he is one of the torch bearers for destructive partisanship.

● While she defended Cheney, she also said her husband still speaks with Cheney "occasionally." As you know, those last couple of years they were at odds, particularly over Bush's refusal to pardon Cheney's henchman Scooter Libby.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

George W. Bush teetering on the edge of sanity?

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

According to The Globe, Ex-President George W. Bush is rudderless, and depressed. It probably shouldn't be all that shocking to most of us. How would YOU feel if you'd done what he did to the country for eight years?

"JUST weeks after leaving the White House, depressed and paranoid George Bush is suicidal, insiders fear. In a blockbuster world exclusive, sources tell GLOBE the ex-President is boozing up a storm - and reveal why he is terrified of Barack Obama and his own wife Laura."


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Exclusive: Bombshell transcript leaked in Bush-Cheney dogfight over Libby pardon that never happened

Today's New York Times expands upon details of the deep rift we first learned about in a NY Daily News article yesterday:

"Dick Cheney spent his final days as vice president making a furious last-ditch effort to secure a pardon for his onetime chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby Jr., leaving him at odds with former President George W. Bush on a matter of personal loyalty as the two moved on to private life, according to several former officials.

"The officials said Tuesday that Mr. Cheney’s lobbying campaign on behalf of Mr. Libby was far more intense than previously known, with the vice president bringing it up in countless one-on-one conversations with the president. They said Mr. Bush was unyielding to the end, already frustrated by a deluge of last-minute pardon requests from other quarters.

“The biggest myth of the presidency is that Vice President Cheney always got his way.”

"[Cheney believed] Scooter Libby was ill-served by a president who, in their view, failed to return Mr. Libby’s loyalty and sacrifice. And it points up the distance said to have grown between the two men as their worldviews, once largely in sync, seemed increasingly to diverge in their second term as Mr. Bush took a less hawkish stance.

". . .in an interview with The Weekly Standard last month [Cheney said] that “I strongly believe that he deserved a presidential pardon,” and that “I disagree with President Bush’s decision.”

Last week, Pablo Fanque, the national affairs editor of All This Is That received a transcript--from a GOP political operative who worked in the West Wing until January 20th--of a phone conversation between the former President and Vice President on January 18th, two days before they left office. We reprint the conversation here:

Cheney: You just about have things wrapped up George?

Bush: We're getting there Dick. Honestly, I'm ready to get on that plane and remember what life is really like.

Cheney: Mr. President, I am calling about what I feel is some unfinished business.

Bush: Jesus F***ing Christ! Again? The Libby bulls**t? We've talked about it. We've talked about it again. Nothin's changed Dick. The answer is no. I commuted his sentence. And you both should be happy about that.

Cheney: I am talking about loyalty here George.

Bush: Don't you DARE f***in' lecture me about loyalty. I've considered it and I've reconsidered. The answer is still no. I commuted his sentence. You and your pack don't even give me credit for that. You know what kind of heat I took on that one, Dick?

Cheney: Do you think it's going to hurt your g**d***ed legacy to pardon an old and loyal friend? What that man did for us. He could have thrown us all under the bus. And now in his time of need, you turn your back.

Bush: Enough! You bring this up every f***in' time we talk now. I am The President. And the answer is no. I am not going to change my mind. I've taken plenty of motherfu**in' heat for you over the last last 7 years and 363 days. Shootin' your buddy. And that c***suckin' Haliburton mess. And all the rest of it. Now give it a f***in' rest Dick. I don't want this to cost us our friendship. I don't want this to mess up all that we have accomplished here! Let it go.

Cheney: But Mr. President, no one was ever more loyal to us.

Bush: G**da**it! Shut the f**k up and drop it. From what I read in the briefings, your little buddy brought in millions this year. He doesn't need a f***in' pardon. And he's not getting a f***in' pardon.

Cheney: But George. . .

Bush: Don't you f***in' remember what kind of s***storm he brought down on us? Enough![click]

Cheney: G**damnit! Nobody hangs up on me! [aside to aides: "Who the f**k does he think he is? Well, that's all she wrote. I don't know who or what got to him, but he's hung Scooter out to dry."]


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pardon me! Who gets the golden ticket when Bush vacates the White House?

More than 2,000 people have so far asked President George W. Bush to pardon them or commute their prison sentences as a parting gift.

Junk-bond king Michael Milken, big media owner Conrad Black and the American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh (good luck on that one John!) have asked the Justice Department for Presidential forgiveness.

Of course, some highly placed lawyers lobby the White House directly for pardons. This includes people who haven't even been charged with a crime yet, like the disgraced former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or that hormone-gobbling baseball pitcher Roger Clemens.

"I would expect the president's conservative approach to executive pardons to continue through the remainder of his term," said Helgi C. Walker, a former Bush associate White House counsel. And, in fact, Bush so far has pardoned far fewer people than his predecessors. A President can pardon people at any time, but generally wait until the end of their administrations for the most sensitive ones, typically before Christmas and after New Year's. An exception was President Ford pardoning Nixon. Nixon was on the hot seat and without that pardon would have been hauled in and out of court endlessly over the next few years. Instead, he got to write books, and consult presidents on up through Bill Clinton.

Last week, The President issued 14 pardons and commuted two sentences--for small-time drug offenses, tax evasion and unauthorized use of food stamps. His eight-year total is 171 pardons and eight commutations--less than half what either Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton issued.

A pardon is a free pass that eliminates civil liabilities stemming from a criminal conviction. A commutation reduces or ends a criminal sentence. The president's constitutional power to issue pardons is absolute and cannot be overruled; can forgive anyone he wants, at any time. Thus there is always the possibility of surprises!

click to enlarge the Nixon-Ford pardon

Bush's father, President George H.W. Bush, pardoned Reagan-era Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who was indicted in the Iran-Contra arms scandal. Weinberger's indictment by a special counsel days before the 1992 presidential election is believed to have contributed to Bush's defeat.

President Gerald Ford narrowly lost re-election in 1976 in no small part due to pardoning former President Dick Nixon in the Watergate scandal.

Bush earlier saved I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby from serving any time in the case of the 2003 leak of then-CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity. Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, was convicted of perjury and obstructing justice. He has not yet applied for a full pardon.

I believe President Bush could also pardon himself, as well as the vampire he selected as his Vice-President.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bush to Schwarzenegger in latest 'hot mike' incident: "I ought to whip your ass, Arnold"

a snapshot during the exchange - click to enlarge

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor
San Clemente, California, June 18, 2008

President Bush offered federal aid and words of encouragement on Thursday to the 25,000 firefighters battling wildfires in California. "I always come to make sure the federal government is coordinating closely with the state government," Bush said. "I know Gov. Schwarzenegger well enough to say that if we weren't, he'd let me know."

President Bush shakes hands with a firefighter glad to know the President is looking out for his best interest. Click to enlarge.

Since a lightning storm on June 21, over 2,000 fires have ignited in the tinderboxes of California, wiping out at least a million acres. Governor Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in 12 counties affected by wildfires and called in the National Guard to help. President Bush also appeared, offering additional help and encouragement.

"I'd like to let the people out here know that we're paying attention in Washington, D.C.," Bush said. "We care about you and we'll respond as best as we possibly can."

Following the press photo opportunity The President leaned over and said "I ought to whip your ass, Arnold," to the startled Governor. "I might actually give a s**t about your pleas except every other time I pick up a f***in' newspaper, I read about you tearing me a new one. . .how the President is ignoring the climate, 'the people' and all this other horses**t."

As Schwarenegger protested, the President hushed him, "How do you f***in' think it makes me feel having a man in my own party toss garbage in my face?! I don't give a rat's ass what you say to me privately. But you better put a lid on it out here. That would be just great Arnold. It may even speed up that federal aid..."

Governor Schwarzenegger snapped back at the President, "If it's anything like New Orleans, I'd be better off asking Hugo Chavez for help."

At that moment in the tense conversation, an aide pointed out a small ground of reporters near a media truck laughing and jotting notes on the exchange. A Press Office functionary hurriedly tried to convince the handful of reporters to not write about the incident in return for exclusive interviews and entree to limited access White House events. All This Is That, however, has nothing to lose, since our White House press credentials were pulled months ago.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

President escorted, ranting and half-naked from WH Press briefing room

By Pablo Fanque,
National Affairs Editor, All This Is That
Washington, D.C. June 12, 2008

In a bizarre turn of events, President George W. Bush made an unannounced visit to the White House Press Briefing Room this morning. The President was clad only in a pair of white briefs and black socks. Although I rarely attend the highly scripted and controlled events in the Press Room, I just happened to be there, meeting a friend from Reuters.

The President stood at the podium, and began ranting about today's Supreme Court ruling that clears foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts. Bush suggested new legislation may now be needed to keep the American people safe: "If it was up to me, these sons of bitches in Guantanamo would all be missing limbs by now. If I had a free hand, we'd make what Jack Bauer does look like Rebbecca of Sunnybrook farm. What a bunch of hand-wringing pansies this f***ing Supreme Court has turned out to be! Clarence and Tony--I love you f***ers!"

Two minutes into the President's rant, he was coaxed from the podium by his Chief of staff, Joshua B. Bolten, As his top aide edged him toward the door, The President exploded, screaming at Bolten and and throwing long, roundhouse punches and haymakers. "You get your f***ing hands off me or I'll have these agents break your f***ing arms ***hole!"

With the Chief of Staff unable to calm the President (or get him out of range of the press), two uniformed Capitol Police put a sweatsuit on Bush, and escorted him to an undisclosed location.

Needless to say, the Press Room exploded into action, between people phoning in stories and trading photographs, video and audio clips. Later, one reporter claimed a source told him President Bush had been taken to St. Elizabeth's Psychiatric Hospital in Washington for observation, and possible treatment.

Monday, May 26, 2008

John McCain: It's fine for Bush to appear with me as long as no one gets any photos

Click the President to enlarge

Washington, D.C., May 26th, 2008,
by Pablo Fanque, All This Is That National Affairs Editor

On Tuesday last week, President Bush and preumptive GOP nominee Senator McCain were scheduled to appear at a McCain for President/RNC Victory Reception celebration at a Phoenix convention center. On Wednesday, POTUS was supposed to appear at Salt Lake City’s Grand America Hotel with Mitt Romney for a similar event, followed by a posh dinner at the Romneys’ home.

The Phoenix Business Journal reports that “Sources familiar with the situation said the Bush-McCain event was not selling enough tickets to fill the Convention Center space, and that there were concerns about more anti-war protesters showing up outside the venue than attending the fundraiser inside.” All This Is That found this story, among other places, at Mike Allen's Playbook blog on

In short, McCain is glad to exploit whatever remnant of star power and influence POTUS has. . .as long as it isn't in public, and won't be photographed or recorded. As long as the dogs of the fifth estate are kept at arm's length, President Bush is welcome. This makes sense to me. . .however, I want to make it clear that President Bush is welcome to appear on All This Is That whenever it fits into his schedule. Anytime, Mister President!

Monday, May 05, 2008

My Favorite Fictional Presidents

President Mackenzie Allen (Commander In Chief)

President David Palmer (24)

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (Idiocracy)

President James Marshall (Air Force One)

President Merkin Muffley (Dr. Strangelove)

President Thomas J. Whitmore (Independence Day)

President George W. Bush (because this can't be real. Can it?)


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Senator John McCain attempts to dodge the George W. Bush legacy

"Don't move back. I think I'm getting
a chubby." Click to enlarge.

John McCain today attempted to add distance between himself and President George W. Bush—clearly, but gingerly, attempting to dodge the toxic political legacy of Dubyah, as he seeks a way to weasel himself into the White House, through a hazard-littered course.

"The point is, I'm not running on the Bush presidency, I'm running on my own service to the country, my own record in the House of Representatives and the United States Senate and my vision for the future," McCain told ABC television.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Four Thousand - 4,000 - MMMM dead and counting in Iraq "War"/Country Joe McDonald Performs Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag (with lyrics)

Country Joe McDonald performs "Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag

by Country Joe McDonald

Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Vietnam
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.
And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.
Well, come on generals, let's move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Gotta go out and get those reds —
The only good commie is the one who's dead
And you know that peace can only be won
When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.
And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.
Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,
Why man, this is war au-go-go.
There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,
Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,
They drop it on the Viet Cong.
And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam.
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.
Well, come on mothers throughout the land,
Pack your boys off to Vietnam.
Come on fathers, don't hesitate,
Send 'em off before it's too late.
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box.
And it's one, two, three
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam.
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.
