Thursday, August 24, 2006

Digital painting: a self-portrait -- something of a Chuck Close Experiment

Click image to enlarge

This is something of a Chuck Close experiment in painting. The portrait on the left is composed entirely of hundreds of mini-mes, colored and shaded differently. The portrait on the right is the portrait on the left, drastically shrunken and softened. Below is the photo I used for a starting point. I blew this picture up and replaced blocks of pixels with the shaded "mini-me" images.

the original source photo (left) and a detail of the painting (rigtht)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Alien Lore No. 87 - The Greys at Roswell

I will not go into a lot of detail here. . . check out the links below to learn more about Roswell. I mostly just wanted to publish this picture:

click to enlarge

Celebrities on Roswell
Cheney, Bush & The Greys
Alien Bodies in possession of the U.S. government
Ronald Reagan,. Steven Spielberg, The Greys, & Roswell
The Roswell Flying Saucer and Alien Autopsy
The Alien Interview
Presidents (And Near Presidents) Who Believe In Or Have Seen UFOs: Carter, Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Goldwater, Truman

Happy 60th Birthday Bill Clinton

The youngest President ever to leave office under his own power turns 60 years old today. Happy Birthday, Bill!

He was an inspiring President (if you discount a few rather tawdry and indecorous episodes). A warm man, and a great speaker, he can light up a room like no one in that office has since JFK. I have only seen him in a large crowd, but people I know who've been at gatherings say he is even more mesmerising in smaller venues. He avoided war, and balanced the budget (and began paying down the deficit). His politics, personality, and deep bond with the American people only shine brighter the longer his successor remains in office.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Poem: Changes 15/The Armies Of The Night

The fifteenth hexagram of the I-ching says
It is favorable
To set armies marching

To chastise
One's own city
And one's own country

And I wonder what happened
To those Armies Of The Night
That marched in the 60's

And ended the war
And how hard it might be
To do it again

Just one more time
As Tessio said
For old times' sake.

Identikit drawing of Del Brummet

OK. I'm still no good at this (maybe this would be close enough to nab Del on the lam) but I think I can figure it out eventually. Identikit drawing of Del Brummet created with Faces 3.0.

Montage of two nearly fifty year olds

Click image to enlarge.

As it turns out, I couldn't use this montage because the evite I am working on won't support large images.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Former President George H.W. Bush excoriates his son's war

The "First Family" is rumored to have suffered an irreparable rift. More precisely, the rift between the former and current President George Bush has grown into a Grand Canyon-sized chasm. Sources told All This Is That that former President George George (aka POTUS 41) recently told another former President, William Jefferson Clinton (aka POTUS 42), "Bill, we ran the wrong brother for President. I feel terrible."

The former President continued, "What really chaps my hide is that this gigantic mess he's gotten us into is somehow perceived as making amends for my Presidency. For some mistake I made. Sure, I made mistakes. But does an even bigger one somehow even the score?"

"Look," Bill Clinton said, "George. . .no one blames you for any of this. It is his war. Most of us know you had nothing to do with it." "But there is this perception, Bill, " George H.W. Bush explained, "That I somehow didn't finish the job. Or finish it right. And look at the mess he has gotten us into." "I mean it George," Bill Clinton explained, "No one holds you responsible." "Maybe not," George Bush said, "but the f**king idiot has done nothing for my legacy, except hurt it, believe me. . ."

"Let's face it, Bill. You whipped my ass over these mistakes. (And that jughead Ross Perot didn't help either). I accept that. I like you. We're friends. That was politics. But what my son has done is inexcusable. It's wrong. It's hurting our country. And he has broken my heart. And he's done it with Rummy and Cheney and these other folks I trusted and cared about. I don't even talk to the boy anymore. We see him on holidays. I don't even know if I can keep doing that. The whole thing just makes me sick."

All This Is That earlier reported on the rift in the first family in its formative stages: click here.

Other recent All This Is That reportage on George Bush (43):

President George Bush 'channels' Adolph Hitler during Iowa speech ...
The Declaration of Independence & Parallels between King George ...
President Bush and the origins of the "you rock/devil horns" sign
Painting: President George W.Bush does a face plant on the world ...
"I would love to kill George Bush"
George Bush & the Geometry problem
Alien Lore No. 65 - George Bush, Dick Cheney & The Greys
President Bush condemns bilingual national anthem
President Bush: "Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton"
President Bush lights up the "c***suckers" in the press
President angrily refuses to accept Veep Cheney's resignation ...
Sex Pictures Of President Bush, President Chirac, And Queen Elizabeth
President George W. Bush Speaks About Universal Values
All This Is That -
Best President Bush quotes of 2005
The lies the President told in his State of the Union & his real ...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mudballs, or hikaru dorodango

Hikaru dorodango are balls of mud, formed by hand into perfect spheres, and then polished to a brand-new-bowling ball gloss. "The process is simple, but the result makes it seem like alchemy." It does.

Mud? These things are incredible!

Dorodango was a traditional pastime among the Japanese children. No one seems to know where it came from. The tradition was dying out until Professor Fumio Kayo developed a simple technique for creating dorodango. It's now hip, and booming.

The dorodango above is by Bruce Gardner --click on his name to see his interesting site. He has created some wonderful dorodango. And he even gives you detailed information on how to make your own.

Digital Painting: Send in the clowns

Click the clown to enlarge. This isn't really all that shocking an image
when you consider how many people have a true phobia/fear/
dislike of clowns.

I found this on the internet about ten years ago. It is usually called Bill The Clown. It still exists on a couple of sites, but no one seems to know who created it in the first place. If it was you, let All This Is That know!

Painting: self-portrait

click to enlarge

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Painting: Dave Hokit and Jack on the mountain top

click Dave and Jack to enlarge

Poem: The Tenth Planet (Or An Incredible Facsimile?)

click on this image of the tenth planet to enlarge...

Is it a planet or not?
It depends on
What it's orbiting around.

A planet must orbit a star.
Round objects floating freely
Through space don't count.

If an object orbits a much larger object
That is not a star
Then it's not a planet either.

Scientists are slated to announce
Very soon whether or not that rock
Floating out there is the tenth planet

Or not.
If it isn't
Then what?

The tenth planet on All This Is That