Thursday, September 28, 2006
index to poems
A new index to poems on All This Is That appears below. It includes 13 new poems since the last index in June, 2006. /jb
Changes 17/Following
You Gather Your Friends
Changes 16/Enthusiasm, or, the king begins to falter
The Way We Were
Scarred for life
The White Flag
The Cover-up
The Good German
Changes 14/Possession
Changes 15/The Armies Of The Night
Dream Of The Grey
Torches & Pitchforks
The Red Flag
Don't look back
The Tenth Planet (Or An Incredible Facsimile?)
Anger management is a slippery slope
the vault
The Moon's In Tune
Changes 12/Standstill
Changes 13/Fellowship Changes twelve/standing still
Changes Ten/treading
Changes Eleven/Peace
Another politician resigns in disrace
Changes Nine/The taming power of the small
The Candidate
Making Room
Changes Eight/Holding Together
Changes Seven/The Army
Changes Six/Conflict
Changes Five/The waiting
Changes Four/The Young Shoot
Changes Three/Trouble Ahead
Changes Two/The Receptive
Changes One/Action
The revolt in heaven
Found Poem: The Richmond Hill Oracle Poem (and painting): The Robot Wars
I don't believe I'm here
Ten ways of looking at lies
The Broken Chord
With our heads in the sand during the transit and eclipse
the sun plays its red song
Poem: The Developers
A raindrop's life
The mystery of the first amendment to the Ten Commandments
The Bay Of Delusion
Mad Song
Reasons To Keep On
Conspiracy Theory The Moon Race
Mr. Flue's Grave In Hillcrest Cemetary, Kent, Wash.
The World Seems Especially Calming And Verisimilitudinous Today
Kent, Washington
[It's the Lee Harvey Oswald smile]
Zombie Breakdown
The Variations
You Rehearse Dying
Sonnet For Hari
Defensive Daydreaming
The Dream
The Prostethic Head & The Absence Of Blood
Tetuan - "No Paranoia, My Friend"
The Grey Visitors & Painting:
The Grey Ambassador
The Bad Movie
The Bucket
The Man In The Mirror
Perspective A Flight Of Swallows
Audioblog - The Prevaricator
Weather Report
Your Wooden Leg
The Revelations Sermon At The First Church Of The Mojo Apocalypse
Dosvidaniya, Ivan Ivanovitch The Late Excavation (Text And Audio)
Jack Kerouac, Meet John Barleycorn
The Gideon Bible In My Nightstand
At The Acropolis
When Aliens Land, Or, The Return Of The King
The sous-chef is a sociopath]
James Wright
[Life Is Not A Hardy Novel]
Coyote Comes Home Like A Salmon
Shorts For Jerry Melin ca. about 1988
The Golden Rule
The Countdown
When Aliens Land, Or, The Return Of The King
Notes On Flying
Not Past Tense Yet
the glass is not half-full
It's Getting Crowded Here
Li Po In Disgrace
The Clock
A Love Song
Bad Timing
The Killer
The Absence of Footprints Growing Up
Gone Fishing
The M.D.s
A Poem - Acrylic
The Marriage
Driving Home To Seattle, We Watch Deer Drinking from the Skookumchuck River
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Bill Clinton's fabled crooked johnson about to be made public
fox news vidcap by jack brummet
Responding to "finger-pointing" by predecessor Bill Clinton, President Bush discretely ordered White House officials to locate the legendary photographs of President Clinton's penis that circulated in The White House in 2001.
Paula Jones
When contacted by an All This Is That reporter, Paula Jones, who sued Bill Clinton in 1994 for sexual harrassment, admitted a White House staffer had e-mailed her to verify the authenticity of the photos. The photographs were taken by court order as evidence in the civil suit filed by Jones. "I'd recognize that throbbing purple member anywhere. It veers to the left," said Jones. Jones later settled her suit for $850,000, of which $700,000 went to pay her legal team.
All This Is That in general does not publish photographs
of genitalia
On Tuesday, The President ordered the photographs leaked to internet news and blog sites in apparent retaliation against former President Clinton's criticism. Bill Clinton, in a heated interview on Sunday with Chris Wallace (Fox "News"), charged the administration with inaction on counter-terrorism in the months leading up to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Don't forget about 10Eastern Found Photos!
I have written about 10Eastern before, and always have a link on my top page. This is still, after years, one of my favorite sites on the internet. These found photos are disturbing, hilarious, puzzling, and sometimes, heartbreaking. 10 Eastern. Click here to jump to their site. They now have 126 "galleries."
This found photo reminded me of my friend Aunt Sassy , knowing her love of box wine. However I'm not sure that love would encompass the anti-freeze in the box above, nor would she drink directly from the box...except under very desperate circumstances...
click photograph to enlarge
This found photo reminded me of my friend Aunt Sassy , knowing her love of box wine. However I'm not sure that love would encompass the anti-freeze in the box above, nor would she drink directly from the box...except under very desperate circumstances...
click photograph to enlarge
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Changes Poems 1-17
This series of poems is very loosely based on the Richard Wilhelm translation of the I Ching, or Book of Changes, one of the oldest Chinese classic texts. ; the I Ching is often used as an oracle of divination (e.g., it was the original "Ouija board").
The book's philosophy centers on the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change. The jagged and meandering central philosophy of the poems is another matter entirely, and for the twisting and warping of the I Ching you can only blame the author (and the editor of this s blog, who keeps printing the poems). It remains to be seen whether this series of poems extends to encompass all 64 hexagrams, or fizzles out altogether. . .
Changes One/Action
Changes Two/The Receptive
Changes Three/Trouble Ahead
Changes Four/The Young Shoot
Changes Five/The waiting
Changes Six/Conflict
Changes Seven/The Army
Changes Eight/Holding Together
Changes Nine/The taming power of the small
Changes Ten/treading
Changes Eleven/Peace
Changes twelve/standing still
Changes 13/Fellowship
Changes 14/Possession
Changes 15/The Armies Of The Night
Changes 16/Enthusiasm, or, the king begins to falter
Changes 17/Following
The book's philosophy centers on the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change. The jagged and meandering central philosophy of the poems is another matter entirely, and for the twisting and warping of the I Ching you can only blame the author (and the editor of this s blog, who keeps printing the poems). It remains to be seen whether this series of poems extends to encompass all 64 hexagrams, or fizzles out altogether. . .
Changes One/Action
Changes Two/The Receptive
Changes Three/Trouble Ahead
Changes Four/The Young Shoot
Changes Five/The waiting
Changes Six/Conflict
Changes Seven/The Army
Changes Eight/Holding Together
Changes Nine/The taming power of the small
Changes Ten/treading
Changes Eleven/Peace
Changes twelve/standing still
Changes 13/Fellowship
Changes 14/Possession
Changes 15/The Armies Of The Night
Changes 16/Enthusiasm, or, the king begins to falter
Changes 17/Following
Poem: You gather your friends
You gather your friends
Around you
Like a shock of wheat,
Like a bulwark
Or a last ditch bivouac
In the cold rain and snow.
Around you
Like a shock of wheat,
Like a bulwark
Or a last ditch bivouac
In the cold rain and snow.
Poem: Changes 17/Following
Thunder in the middle of the lake!
And You and I
In the pram
(Or is it a dinghy, a dory
An umiak, or skiff,
A scow, a punt, or shallop?)
Following might mean
You're an individual contributor
Playing follow the leader
Or just maybe
You're holding back
To allow the leader
To receive
The first arrows
And fusillades.
Following can go either way--
It all depends on whom
You elect to follow.
To go out of the door
In the company of others
Produces deeds.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Reverend Fallwell calls Hillary Rodham Clinton less appealing than Lucifer
Click the photograph of Reich Marshall Falwell to enlarge...
Reverend Jerry Falwell says a White House run by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton would energize his base of religious conservatives even more than if The Great Deceiver himself were the Democratic nominee.
"I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate," Falwell told a private prayer breakfast. "Because nothing will energize my (constituency) like Hillary Clinton. "
"If Lucifer ran, he wouldn't," Falwell added, drawing a roomful of laughs and cheers.
Ding Dong, Osama's Dead?
There are rumors in the news, on the internet, and in the blog world that bin Laden has cashed his check. The Start the Revolution blog said: "Not only has he [President George Bush] been telling the world that he is still actively hunting Osama, even though the FBI and the CIA gave up long ago, but now it seems that his good friends the French have gone and spoiled that party too!"
Authorities and U.S. politicians are treating rumors the highly elusive al-Qaeda leader is dead with well-founded skepticism. The whereabouts of bin Laden took a new twist this weekend when a French 'paper published a French intelligence report suggesting he had died a month ago. The governments of France, the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia tried to play down the report, but Saudi sources have previously suggested he may be very sick.
This isn't the first time rumors have circulated about bin Laden's demise. And each time, he has charged back like the Energizer bunny, with new video and audio tapes exhorting the faithful to incinerate America and our allies.
And if Osama IS dead. . .so what? Does this really change anything at all? Does it extricate us from the tragic pickle into which we have insinuated ourselves in the Middle-east? I don't think so. Since there was no Al Qaeda-Iraq connection, it doesn't affect that "operation" much. Does it--if it turns out to be true--affect the mid-term elections? Probably not. While the Dems have beaten up POTUS and G.O.P. for failing to catch Osama, it's hard to see how either side gains much political capital from bin Laden's departure from the scene. . .
Authorities and U.S. politicians are treating rumors the highly elusive al-Qaeda leader is dead with well-founded skepticism. The whereabouts of bin Laden took a new twist this weekend when a French 'paper published a French intelligence report suggesting he had died a month ago. The governments of France, the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia tried to play down the report, but Saudi sources have previously suggested he may be very sick.
This isn't the first time rumors have circulated about bin Laden's demise. And each time, he has charged back like the Energizer bunny, with new video and audio tapes exhorting the faithful to incinerate America and our allies.
And if Osama IS dead. . .so what? Does this really change anything at all? Does it extricate us from the tragic pickle into which we have insinuated ourselves in the Middle-east? I don't think so. Since there was no Al Qaeda-Iraq connection, it doesn't affect that "operation" much. Does it--if it turns out to be true--affect the mid-term elections? Probably not. While the Dems have beaten up POTUS and G.O.P. for failing to catch Osama, it's hard to see how either side gains much political capital from bin Laden's departure from the scene. . .
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Calvin Coolidge: The President of Cool
By Jack Brummet, Presidents Ed.
They say he wasn't actually frosty. . .he just rarely showed emotion. In fact, when President Harding died, Coolidge was awakened after 2:00 A.M. He took the oath of office in his sitting room. He was sworn in by his father, who was a notary public. Thirteen minutes after he took the oath of office at 2:47 A.M., Calvin Coolidge went back to sleep. To sleep! His President (Warren Harding) had just died! He was The Top Banana! And he went to sleep. In that same position, I would have done something. Like:
Drink some whiskey!
Raise up a glass to the shade of Warren G. Harding.
Give orders to round up some of my enemies and have them held at The Tombs.
I would legalize something.
I would declare martial law on Detroit.
Drink more whiskey!
Declare the Roman Catholic Church a subversive organization.
Ask for the cabinet's resignations.
Order in naked dancing girls.
Throw a feast.
Make a collage.
Drive a tank through the streets of Washington.
In a radio address to the nation, quote Putney Swope: "I am not going to rock the boat; I am going to tip it over."
Watch the sunrise and the birds take to the sky on my first day asCzar King President.
Then maybe I'd go to bed.
Coolidge kept a poem hung on the wall in his living room, and it both illustrated how he felt and the image he wanted to project:
A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw, the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard
Why can’t we be like that old bird?
They say he wasn't actually frosty. . .he just rarely showed emotion. In fact, when President Harding died, Coolidge was awakened after 2:00 A.M. He took the oath of office in his sitting room. He was sworn in by his father, who was a notary public. Thirteen minutes after he took the oath of office at 2:47 A.M., Calvin Coolidge went back to sleep. To sleep! His President (Warren Harding) had just died! He was The Top Banana! And he went to sleep. In that same position, I would have done something. Like:
Drink some whiskey!
Raise up a glass to the shade of Warren G. Harding.
Give orders to round up some of my enemies and have them held at The Tombs.
I would legalize something.
I would declare martial law on Detroit.
Drink more whiskey!
Declare the Roman Catholic Church a subversive organization.
Ask for the cabinet's resignations.
Order in naked dancing girls.
Throw a feast.
Make a collage.
Drive a tank through the streets of Washington.
In a radio address to the nation, quote Putney Swope: "I am not going to rock the boat; I am going to tip it over."
Watch the sunrise and the birds take to the sky on my first day as
Then maybe I'd go to bed.
Coolidge kept a poem hung on the wall in his living room, and it both illustrated how he felt and the image he wanted to project:
A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw, the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard
Why can’t we be like that old bird?
LBJ responds to White House correspondent Dan Rather (and links to other LBJ photos)
Click image to enlarge
I haven't been able to track the provenance of this LBJ photograph. Judging from the look on LBJ's face, and the smile on Dan Rather's, I'd bet the White House correspondent had just asked a probing or embarrassing question.
Below are links to some of my favorite LBJ photos appearing in All This Is That over the last couple years...
Lyndon listening in on the war
LBJ and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King meet up
LBJ howls like a dog
Another good LBJ photo
And another. . .
One of Jack's heroes and villains paintings
LBJ In A Characteristic Pose
Running Mates: Senators Lyndon Johnson And JFK
The Johnson Treatment, Part 6: The Hump and Senator Russell get the treatment
The Johnson Treatment, Part 5: Senator Richard Russell (Dem., Georgia) Undergoes The Treatment
The Johnson Treatment, Part 4: President Johnson Gives The Treatment To Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas
Congressman Johnson meets FDR
The Johnson Treatment Part 3: LBJ meets Eartha Kitt
The Johnson Treatment, Part 2: Richard M. Nixon, Republican Presidential Front-runner Gets The Treatment
The Johnson Treatment
Someone else gets the Johnson Treatment
LBJ responds to Dan Rather
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