For perhaps the first time since he shot his friend, Austin attorney Harry Whittington, Vice President Dick Cheney acknowledged on Tuesday that he has made a mistake. He said that he was wrong in 2005 when he insisted the insurgency in Iraq was in its "last throes."

It was Cheney's first real public admission of what everyone else seems to already know: The Administration badly bungled in their estimation of the strength of America's enemies in the unpopular war in Iraq. The architect of the war, and Shadow President made the admission in an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live."

Other articles on All This Is That about the Vice-President:
Painting: Menage a trois - Secretary Condoleezza Rice, Vice-President Richard B. Cheney, President George W. Bush
Follow-up: Victim of VP's attemped assassination suffers coronary
That's no blood clot: The new Dick Cheney cover-up
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The Time Has Come For George W. Bush And Dick Cheney To Pay The Piper
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White House, Cheney's Office, Subpoenaed
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