Showing posts with label Alien Lore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alien Lore. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ATIT Reheated: Alien Lore No. 29 - Nazis on the moon

According to the lore, Germans landed on the Moon as early as 1942, using "exoatmospheric" rocket saucers. The Nazis had several models of rocket craft-- fifty and 150 feet in diameter, as well as a turbine-powered saucer 220 feet in diameter that was intended for interplanetary travel. The largest craft was had ten stories of crew compartments. It was about 130 feet high.

Another part of the lore tells us that "beyond the shadow of a doubt there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon. A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. "

The story continues that everything NASA has told the world about the moon is part of a deliberate disinformation campaign to keep the moon club exclusive. Obviously, these physical conditions make it a snap to build a Moonbase. And guess what? Naturally, there are a few on the moon!

Shortly after landing, the Germans hopped out and began tunneling under the surface. By war's end, a small Nazi research base was established on the moon.

By 1944, the Germans had people, materiel and the first robots at the lunar construction site. When Russians and Americans secretly landed on a joint mission with their own saucers in the early fifties, they spent the first night as guests of the Nazis in the underground base.

In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been completed. The rumor says the Moon now has a population of 40,000 people. After the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space effort.

According to one Renato Vesco, Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies, the Italians, during the war. At the Fiat experimental facility at lake La Garda, a facility that fittingly bore the name of air martial Hermann Goering, the Italians tested advanced weapons, rockets and airplanes, created in Germany. The Japanese also received the benefits of the Nazi technology.

In July of 1945, two and a half months after the war ended in Germany, a huge German transport submarine brought to Japan the latest German invention--two spherical, wingless flying devices. The Japanese put the machines together, following the German instructions, and created a ball shaped flying device without wings or propellers. But, nobody knew how it worked! Fuel was added, the start button of this unmanned machine was pressed and it disappeared with a roar and flames without a in the sky. The team never saw it again. The engineers were so freaked out, they dynamited the second prototype and chose to forget the whole incident.

According to the authors of the underground German documentary movie from the Thule society, a very advanced, 220 foot diameter "dreadnought" was chosen for a trip to Mars. A volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese was chosen, because everybody knew that this journey was a one-way trip with no return. The large intensity of the electro-magnetogravitic fields and the inferior quality of the metal alloys used then for the structural elements of the drive, was causing the metal to fatigue and get very brittle after only few months of work. The flight to Mars departed from Germany one month before Patton's and Montgomery's armies overran Berlin. Hitler must have decided to go down with the ship, having passed up the chance to head into the heavens.

This saucer had a crew in the hundreds, because of the low level of automation and electronic controls inside the saucer. Most of the systems were operated like those on a U-boat of that time (a lot of manual knobs and handles). Because the structurally weakened "tachyon drives" were not working with full power and were not functional all the time, the trip to Mars took eight months. An initial short trust towards Mars was probably used to break the gravitational field close to Earth. After that, the craft was coasted for 8 months in an elliptical orbit to Mars with its power turned off. Later trips to Mars by the joint Soviet - American craft in 1952 and a Vatican craft (!!!) reached Mars in only 2 - 3 days, in 1956, because their drives were working and more robust.

No one seems to know how the Germans were able to regenerate air for the hundreds of crewmen inside the craft for eight months. Quite probably they were using the sort of advanced life support systems that had been developed for submarines.

The saucer landed hard on Mars in January, 1946. They sent a radio message indicating they had landed, and were now stranded. The story seems to end there.

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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Alien Lore No. 220 - The Ariel School UFO/Grey sighting in Ruwa, Zimbabwe

By Jack Brummet, Unexplained Phenomena and Alien Lore Editor

[Thanks to Jeff Clinton for the "news tip.]

On September 14th, 1994, a UFO blew across the skies of Southern Africa.  Days later, something fell, or landed, in a Ruwa, Zimbabwe schoolyard, as well as a few smaller objects, according to journalist (and book author, and UFOlogist) Cynthia Hind, and Harvard psychiatry professor John Mack.  This episode would later become a chapter in her book UFOs Over Africa (Horus House, 1996). 

One eyewitness, Barry D., said he saw three objects fly over, with flashing red lights. The UFOs disappeared, but then reappeared almost immediately, in another location.  This happened about three times. He said the objects then came and landed near some gum trees not far from the school.

Four of the eye witnesses Cynthia Hind interviewed

The most interesting part of this story is that UFOs were witnessed by 62 school children, none or few of who had ever seen or heard stories about aliens or UFOs.  Cynthia Hind interviewed them the day after the encounter and got them to draw them draw pictures of what they had seen.  A prominent Harvard researcher and professor of Psychiatry, John Mack, also traveled to Ruwa and conducted extensive interviews.

Many researchers call the Ariel School story the ultimate "nondebunkable" piece of alien lore.  It is a tantalizing UFO/Grey sighting to UFOlogists because of the large number of people who witnessed it, and because UFO researchers like Hind were quickly on the scene to report on it, take interviews, and collect sketches and eyewitness accounts.  Hind was able to interview around a dozen of the older children and was able to get them to create sketches of what they had seen. 

Many serious and experienced researchers call this case one of the most believable of all documented close encounters.  Almost everyone calls it one of their "favorites."  One poster on Paracast wrote: "A recent poster asked for our favorite (?) UFO case. I opted for Ruwa and its school children. This merely reinforces that choice. I thought I'd seen every clip of the children being interviewed until I watched this. I want someone at CNN to run those clips and come on afterword, with eerie music and take pokes at those kids' credibility or sanity. The public would fire-bomb their Atlanta offices."

"These children are (were), at least in my opinion, the most credible UFO/Alien witness' I've ever seen interviewed. The shock, trauma, terror and confusion manifested in their words and their eyes would be near impossible for anyone to fake so convincingly- let alone young, rural children. We are not talking about 'lights in the sky' here. These children say that they had close contact with these things and that there was some sort of communication. . .that they can't even comprehend." 

some of the sketches created by the Ariel schoolchildren

The editor of Paracast agreed, saying "These are some of the most believable Close Encounter testimonies on record,and it's a real shame that the case hasn't received more attention here in the West.Let's hope that this all changes once the new documentary premieres.It'll be fascinating to see how these children (now young adults) have managed to assimilate this experience into their lives,and what they think of it now - 15 years later."

The now deceased Cynthia Hind had deep experience in investigative reporting and was well-respected in the UFO community. 

A photograph of the Ariel School grounds

At the end of this story, I have included some video footage from YouTube showing some of the interviews and background on the story.
Here is the initial report by Cynthia Hind in the UFO AFRINEWS, 1994:

"On Friday 16th September, at approximately 10:15, 62 children from Ariel School, a private primary school in Ruwa (about 20 km from Harare) were in their playing field for the mid-morning break. Suddenly, they saw three silver balls in the sky over the school. These disappeared with a flash of light and then reappeared elsewhere. This happened three times and then they started to move down towards the school with one of them landing (or hovering) over a section of rough ground made up of trees, thorn bushes, and some brown-grey cut grass with bamboo shoots sticking up out of the ground. The children are not allowed in this area although it is adjacent to their playing field and is not fenced off, because of snakes, spiders and perhaps other harmful creatures. One can soon disappear from view while walking here, and there is only one very rough track used by tractors in an attempt to clear this area.

"There is a line of electricity pylons and according to one boy, the object followed along this line prior to landing.

"There is also some controversy as to whether the object _landed_ on the ground or hovered above it. On Tuesday, 20th September, I went out to the school with a BBC reporter and their television equipment, as well as my son and Gunter Hofer, a young man who builds his own electrical equipment, viz, a Geiger counter, a metal detector and a magnetometer, to try and see if the object left any traces behind.

"The headmaster of the school is Mr. Colin Mackie, who was most co-operative, and although he had never been involved with UFOs or a believer in them, said that he believed the children had seen what they said they saw.

"I was able to interview about 10 or 12 older children and this was recorded for BBC television.

"One eyewitness, Barry D., said he had seen three objects flying over, with flashing red lights. They disappeared, and reappeared almost immediately, but somewhere else. This happened about three times. Then they came and landed near some gum trees; Barry said the main one (object) was about the size of his thumb nail held at arm's length. The reports were similar although some children were more observant than others. The consensus of opinion was that an object came down in the area where they indicated, about 100 metres from where they were at the edge of the school playing field. Then a small man (approx 1 metre in height) appeared on top of the object. He walked a little way across the rough ground, became aware of the children and disappeared. He, or someone very like him, then reappeared at the back of the object. The object took off very rapidly and disappeared."

"The little man was dressed in a tight-fitting black suit which was 'shiny' according to one observant girl (11 years of age). He had a long scrawny neck and huge eyes like rugby balls. He had a pale face with long black hair coming below his shoulders.

"I had suggested to Mr. Mackie prior to visiting the school and before the children had been interviewed, that he let the children draw what they had seen and he now has about 30-40 drawings, some of which are very explicit and clear, although some are rather vague. The children's' ages vary from 5/6 to 12 years. I have 22 photocopies of the clearer drawings as Mr. Mackie kindly allowed me to page through the pictures and choose those I wanted. Most of the descriptions are similar but some of the craft are very obviously 'flying saucers', and I wonder how many of these children have had access to the media. Others are crude but more or less in this saucer shape.

"The children vary in cultures: there are black, white, coloured and Asian children. One little girl said to me, 'I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth.' I could see the pleasure on her face when I told her that I believed her. The smaller children from 5-7 years were very frightened at the time and ran shouting 'Help me, help me.' When the older children asked why they were saying this, the reply was, 'He is coming to eat us.' I should think this applied more to the black African children who have legends of tokoloshies eating children.

"Their teachers were in a meeting and did not come out. When I queried the headmaster about this he said the children always shouted and yelled during their playtime and no-one thought there was anything unusual going on. The only other adult available at the time was one of the mothers who was running the tuckshop. When the children came to call her, she did not believe them and would not come out: she was not prepared to leave the tuckshop with all the food and money.

"Gunter and the men thoroughly examined the ground around where the children had seen the object, but could get no reaction on the Geiger counter or any other equipment. If the object was hovering perhaps nothing would show. I walked, on my own, along the electricity pylons for quite a away, caught up in thorn bushes, trampling blithely over snake holes and discarding all caution. I found no place where some object could have landed and pressed down the foliage. In fact, I should think the bamboo stumps would have been a deterrent. The day was hot, around 33 C (91F)...

"Dr John Mack was visiting Zimbabwe at the time of the event, and he spent two days at Ariel School with the children. He also spoke to the Headmaster, Colin Mackie, the teachers and some of the parents. John and his fellow researcher, Dominique Callimanopulos, were able to get through to the parents and teachers and convince them that even if they did not believe the children, it was counter-productive to accuse them of lying. Listen and think about what they were saying, he advised. His particular interest in child psychiatry was also of great use during the questioning and many former hidden memories came to light, something John is sure to make public when he has had a chance to reassess his interviewing."

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Alien Lore No. 219 — Did young Barack Obama visit Mars?

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

photograph of Mars' surface courtesy of JPL/NASA

“Simply put, your task is to be seen and not eaten,” retired astronaut Army Maj. Ed Dames, told a young Barack Obama as he was sent on a mission to Mars.  Wired's Danger Room recently told of  a claim by Andrew D. Basiago and William Stilling (who say they were time-traveling government agents) that the CIA organized missions to explore Mars during the 1980's.  More than one of these missions included the 19 year old future President. 

Basiago and Stilling say that BHO was one of a group of young people selected to teleport and from Mars.  Mr. Obama is said to have visited Mars twice between 1981 and 1983 via a "jump room."

The CIA wished to “establish a defense regime protecting the Earth from threats from space” as well as a legal claim to “territorial sovereignty.”  "Obama’s CIA handlers needed him to 'acclimate Martian humanoids and animals to their presence' in order to secure the U.S.-Martian alliance."  

Tommy Vietor, a National Security Council spokesperson says that The President never went to Mars, unless you count "watching Marvin the Martian."

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Alien Lore No. 218 - Re: any kind of government UFO/alien cover-up, the White House says "nothing to see here folks; keep moving."

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

The White House recently responded to two petitions asking the US government to acknowledge that aliens have visited Earth and to disclose to any withholding of government interactions with Aliens, of Greys.

5,387 people signed a petition asking for disclosure of any communications with aliens.

12,078 citizens signed a request for a formal acknowledgement from the White House that extraterrestrials have been engaging the human race.  "Hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence," the second petition states. "Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon. The people have a right to know. The people can handle the truth."

These petitions were generated by an Obama Administration initiative--‘We the People'--which requires White House staffers to respond to any issue that receives at least 25,000 online signatures. The White House promised to respond if the petitions got 17,000 more signatures by October 22nd.

The following is the Official White House Response to "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure. and 1 other petition."

By Phil Larson, White House Office of Science & Technology Policy

"Thank you for signing the petition asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.

"However, that doesn't mean the subject of life outside our planet isn't being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. Here are a few examples:

"SETI—the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence—was originally stood up with help from NASA, but has since been moved to other sources of private funding. SETI's main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing an array of ground-based telescopes towards space to listen for any signal from another world.

"Kepler is a NASA spacecraft in orbit that's main goal is to search for Earth-like planets. Such a planet would be located in the "Goldilocks" zone of a distant solar system—not too hot and not too cold—and could potentially be habitable by life as we know it. The Kepler mission is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover Earth-sized, rocky planets in or near the habitable zone of the star (sun) they orbit.

"The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover's onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.

"A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.

"Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved.

"But that's all statistics and speculation. The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth."


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Alien Lore No. 217: The night UFOs buzzed the White House

By Jack Brummet,Extraterrestrial Affairs Editor

Not long after the events of Roswell, the Mount Rainier UFO sightings, and Socorro, UFOs made a showy presence for the leaders of the free world. In 1952, UFOs buzzed the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. Yes, these UFOs, presumably piloted by aliens, or Greys, seemed to be thumbing their noses (if they had noses) at the institutions we thought kept us safe.

Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952. These sightings seemed to trigger a wave of sightings that no one has ever been able to explain.

At Washington National Airport, air traffic controller Ed Nugent [Ted's dad?] saw seven blips on his radar screen. No planes were supposed to be there. He brought in his boss and said jokingly, "Here's a fleet of flying saucers for you." In the tower's glass-enclosed top floor, another controller saw a strange blip streaking across his radar screen. It wasn't a bird. It wasn't a plane. What was it? He looked out the window and spotted a bright light hovering in the sky.

From the Washington Post, July 19, 1952: "Air Force spokesmen said yesterday only that an investigation was being made into the sighting of the objects on the radar screen in the CAA Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport, and on two other radar screens.
"Methods of the investigations were classified as secret, a spokesman said. 'We have no evidence they are flying saucers; conversely we have no evidence they are not flying saucers. We don't know what they are,' the spokesman added. "

From the Washington Post, July 28, 1952:
"Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week.

"A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base.

"The CAA reported reported the objects traveled at 'predominantly lower levels'--about 1700 feet. "


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alien Lore No. 216 - Our Message In A Bottle, Lobbed Into The Cosmos

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

For the last forty years or so, we've beamed messages into the cosmos in hopes of contacting our cousins—if we actually have cousins—way Out There. We take our best guess and fire off something we hope they're smart enough to decode or understand. Some of this stuff is pretty strange, to say the least.

photo courtesy of Nasa/Jet Propulsion Lab

The Pioneer Plaques are identical, gold-plated plaques attached to the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft. The plaques contain a picture of the solar system (which they would presumably understand), a picture of the Pioneer, and a picture of "a hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen," we were sure that whoever was smart enough to recover our spacecraft would Get It.

The Pioneer Plaque attached to Voyager 10, photo courtesy of Nasa/Jet Propulsion Lab
According to NASA
, The Pioneer Plaque "is designed to show scientifically educated inhabitants of some other star system, who might intercept it millions of years from now, when Pioneer was launched, from where, and by what kind of beings. (With the hope that they would not invade Earth.) The design is etched into a 6 inch by 9 inch gold-anodized aluminum plate, attached to the spacecraft's antenna support struts in a position to help shield it from erosion by interstellar dust. The radiating lines at left represents the positions of 14 pulsars, a cosmic source of radio energy, arranged to indicate our sun as the home star of our civilization. The "1-" symbols at the ends of the lines are binary numbers that represent the frequencies of these pulsars at the time of launch of Pioneer F relative of that to the hydrogen atom shown at the upper left with a "1" unity symbol. The hydrogen atom is thus used as a "universal clock," and the regular decrease in the frequencies of the pulsars will enable another civilization to determine the time that has elapsed since Pioneer F was launched. The hydrogen is also used as a "universal yardstick" for sizing the human figures and outline of the spacecraft shown on the right. The hydrogen wavelength, about 8 inches, multiplied by the binary number representing "8" shown next to the woman gives her height, 64 inches. The figures represent the type of creature that created Pioneer. The man's hand is raised in a gesture of good will. Across the bottom are the planets, ranging outward from the Sun, with the spacecraft trajectory arching away from Earth, passing Mars, and swinging by Jupiter."

The Voyager Record, is literally a metal LP...a long-player. It even includes Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode."

Photograph of the Voyager Record photo courtesy of Nasa/Jet Propulsion Lab

The 12 inch gold-plated copper discs contain "greetings in 60 languages, samples of music from different cultures and eras, and natural and man-made sounds from Earth. They also contain electronic information that an advanced technological civilization could convert into diagrams and photographs. Currently, both Voyager probes are sailing adrift in the black sea of interplanetary space, having left our solar system years ago."

The Arecibo Image is a short binary message beamed into space. When decoded, it creates an image that looks similar to an 80's video game:

Dr. Frank Drake, of Cornell University, wrote the message, with help from Carl Sagan, and others. The encoded message has seven parts:

1) the numbers one (1) through ten (10);
2) the atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus which make up DNA;
3) the formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of DNA/the number of nucleotides in DNA;
4) a graphic of the double helix structure of DNA;
5) a graphic figure of a man, the dimension (physical height) of an average man, and the human population of Earth ;
6) a graphic of Earth's solar system;
7) a graphic of the Arecibo radio telescope and the dimension (the physical diameter) of the transmitting antenna dish.

[Ed's note: Arecibo in Puerto Rico sends messages to the universe, and is the site where SETI attempts to track blips in the universe and link them to other intelligent beings.]

It will take 25,000 years for the message to reach its target of of stars (and, presumably, an additional 25,000 years for the return trip for any reply). Interestingly, the stars the message is aimed at will no longer be there when it arrives. According to a Cornell News press release of Nov. 12, 1999, the real purpose of the message was not to make contact, but to demonstrate the capabilities of newly installed equipment.

The Teenage Message was beamed into space in 2001. It starts with some radio-transmission Doppler-tuning and then segues into theremin music, and ends with more binary images, including a logo for the Teenage Message program itself.

According to SETI, in 2001, "a group of Russian teens from Moscow, Kaluga, Voronezh, and Zheleznogorsk participated directly and via the Internet in composing a Teen-Age Message (TAM) to extraterrestrial intelligence, and in the selection of target stars. Their message was transmitted in the Autumn of that year, from the Evpatoria Deep Space Center."

"Two previous interstellar radio messages (IRM), one transmitted from Arecibo in 1974 and the one from Evpatoria in 1999, had digital format and represented binary scans of one (Are) or 23 (Evp) black-and-white stylized images. But one might suppose that transmission of analog IRMs is also possible. So, before composing the message's content (as well as trying to decode future signals from ETI), let us try to determine such a message's possible format and structure."

Television Signals are a longstanding science fiction trope in which greys, or "Martians," or aliens intercept television shows and are so impressed with a show that it becomes the basis for their entire civilization. You may have seen some variation of this story on The Twilight Zone. If our TV signals really do become extraterrestrial messages, who wouldn't love to see the results?

I'd like to see the Hee Haw or the Andy Griffith Show as the basis of a civilization, or maybe Celebrity Boxing, F Troop, The Sopranos,  My Mother The Car, or maybe even Cop Rock.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Alien Lore No. 215 - Alien Flyby Over Mecca?

By Jack Brummet
Unexplained Phenomena Editor

This video was recorded in the holy town of Mecca.  Mecca is the birthplace of prophet Muhammad and a site of the composition of the Quran.   Mecca is as the holiest city in Islam and a pilgrimage to it, known as the Hajj, is obligatory upon all able-bodied Muslims.

The recording shows a cluster of unidentified bright objects flying in the night sky. Some of the UFOs flew in clusters upward and others flew sideways or downwards, as if they couldn't decide which end was up. . .

Mecca?  Really?  Were The Greys trying to create a high-profile fly-by?


Sunday, September 04, 2011

Alien Lore No. 214 - The alien pig of Santa Cruz El Chol

By Jack Brummet, Paranormal Editor

People in a remote Guatemalan village—Santa Cruz El Chol—believe that a piglet's human-like head is the result of Visitors.  The night of its birth in August, many strange bright lights were spotted hovering in the sky over the town, leading villagers to believe that the pig's appearance is due to aliens from outer space.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Alien Lore No. 213 - The disappearance of Frederick Valentich

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal/Alien Lore Editor

Thanks to Jeff Clinton for digging up this story.

On 21 October 1978, a 20-year-old pilot--Frederick Valentich--disappeared while flying his Cessna airplane near King Island, Australia.

The transcript that follows is from a program, Radio Eye, broadcast in 2008 by ABC Radio.

19:06:14 DSJ [Valentich]: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand?

FS [Flight Services; Robey]: Delta Sierra Juliet, no known traffic.

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I am, seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand.

19:06:44 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, What type of aircraft is it?

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, I cannot affirm, it is four bright, and it seems to me like landing lights.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:07:31 DSJ: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a large aircraft, confirmed?

DSJ: Er-unknown, due to the speed it's travelling, is there any air force aircraft in the vicinity?

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, no known aircraft in the vicinity.

19:08:18 DSJ: Melbourne, it's approaching now from due east towards me.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:08:41 DSJ: (open microphone for two seconds.)

19:08:48 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, it seems to me that he's playing some sort of game, he's flying over me two, three times at speeds I could not identify.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your actual level?

DSJ: My level is four and a half thousand, four five zero zero.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet and you confirm you cannot identify the aircraft?

DSJ: Affirmative.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by.

19:09:27 DSJ: Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it's not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds).

19:09:42 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, can you describe the - er - aircraft?

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, as it's flying past it's a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot identify more than it has such speed (open microphone for three seconds). It's before me right now Melbourne.

19:10 FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the - er - object be?

19:10:19 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne, it seems like it's chasing me.[20] What I'm doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It's got a green light and sort of metallic like, it's all shiny on the outside.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet

19:10:46 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet (open microphone for three seconds) It's just vanished.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:11:00 DSJ: Melbourne, would you know what kind of aircraft I've got? Is it a military aircraft?

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, Confirm the - er ~ aircraft just vanished.

DSJ: Say again.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft still with you?

DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet; it's (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet

19:11:50 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I've got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is (coughing).

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?

DSJ: My intentions are - ah - to go to King Island - ah - Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and (open microphone for one second) it's not an aircraft.

FS: Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:12:28 DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds).

[ed's note: during that seventeen seconds, you can hear metallic sounds, and a sort of scraping.  Then the transmission went dead.]

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alien Lore No. 211 - "neither the resources or the will..."

By Jack Brummet
Alien Lore/Paranormal Editor

The latest release of National Archives UFO files has just been made in the U.K.   Read in detail about the new files on the BBC website. 

"The latest set of government files on UFOs released by the National Archives show that the Ministry of Defence had neither the resources nor the will to study thousands of sightings reported to them over decades," writes Sanchia Berg.

According to Dr. David Clarke, "In what I believe to be the most important revelation so far, an intelligence officer reveals that 'lack of funds and higher priorities' had prevented any detailed study of the thousands of reports they had received since the end of World War II. "

Other recent Alien Lore articles on ATIT:

Alien Lore No. 210 - The crash artifacts from Roswell have been tested, and appear to be extraterrestrial
Alien Lore No. 209 - The Greatest Story Ever Denied
Alien Lore No. 208 - a sketch of two UFOs from Great Britain
Alien Lore No. 207 - The Greys, Betty and Barney Hill, and Zeta Reticuli
Alien Lore No. 206 - Conditioning Us For The Visitors
Alien Lore. No. 205 - NMA.TV hits another one out of the park: "Roswell Aliens, A Plot By Stalin?"
Alien Lore No. 204: Hitler's deal with The Greys
Alien Lore No. 203 - UFO lightships around Delaware PA, October, 2010
Alien Lore No. 202 - Dolan & Zabel on UFO Disclosure: "There is going to be blowback beyond belief:"
Alien Lore No. 201 - Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens?

Friday, July 29, 2011

All This Is That Reheated: from six years ago, "The Skeleton On The Moon"

This article first appeared on ATIT over six years ago.  It is the number ten most downloaded and visited article on this blog (out of 4,700 articles so far).

By Jack Brummet
Extraterrestrial Affairs Editor

This source for this post is an article from MUFON's (the Mutual UFO Network) web site. The authorship--like much of UFOlogy is murky. In any case, it is amusing. You have to admit, it would be a little spooky to find footsteps and bodies on the moon.  And wearing jeans!

America'a Apollo 11 lunar module photographed a human skeleton on the moon when it landed there in 1969.

That's the claim of Chinese astrophysicist Dr. Kang Mao-pang,who first floored the world when he released pictures of bare human footprints on the moon at a news conference in Beijing last winter. The scientist claimed to have received those photos --- which were so secret the Apollo 11 astronauts didn't even know they existed -- from "an unimpeachable U.S. source."

The photograph of the human skeleton was included with a second batch of photos and documents he received from the same source. "The Americans have conspired in a cover-up of monumental and possibly even criminal proportions," Dr. Kang told newsmen in Beijing. "They hid photos of bare human footprints on the moon for 20 years and managed to keep the human skeleton secret even longer. The implications of what they found up there are staggering," he continued. "But the Americans apparently feel that nobody else in the world is privileged enough to share the information."

The story goes that Dr. Kang's allegations stunned U.S. space and intelligence experts, one of whom went into hiding after reporters tried to question him in a Washington, D.C., restaurant. Other sources also allegedly refused to comment--even when told that the Chinese expert has copies of over 1,000 NASA photographs that clearly show bare human footprints and a human skeleton on the lunar surface.

Intriguingly, the skeleton appears to have been wearing jeans. Judging from the position of the bones, it seems likely that the person it belonged to was at least partially dismembered and met with a violent death. It is also probable that the skeleton was transported into space long after the person was killed. The decomposition of bone and flesh would not have been possible in the airless atmosphere of the moon. The Chinese expert further noted that the age of the skeleton cannot be estimated without analyzing the bone firsthand.

"Like the footprints on the moon, these photos were taken by a remote camera aboard the lunar lander and were given to me by an American source who is beyond reproach," said Dr. Kang. "I am also in the possession of classified documents and letters that describe the footprints as being fresh and the skeleton unquestionably human. The question that must be answered is how the footprints and skeleton go to the moon. The obvious implication is that extraterrestrial lifeforms were involved but we'll never know unless the Americans release the information they have."

The documents Dr. Kang quoted from are stamped "top secret" and dated Aug. 3, 1969, which means they were written just two weeks after astronauts Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed and walked on the moon--in boots, not barefoot--on July 20, 1969. Large portions of the text have been redacted in black ink. It's clear that U.S experts agreed extraterrestrials had something to do with the bare footprints and skeleton on the moon.

Repeated attempts to get officials at any level of government to address Dr. Kang's report were unsuccessful. Explained a Washington source: "Nobody's going to say anything until President Bush gives the go-ahead. This isn't any ordinary cover-up. It makesWatergate look like a Sunday School picnic. It's that damn big."

Jack Note:  As wonderful as the story is, it has unfortunately been traced back to the July 15, 1997 issue of  none other than the Weekly World News...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Alien Lore No. 210 - The crash artifacts from Roswell have been tested, and appear to be extraterrestrial

By Jack Brummet
Unexplained Phenomena and Paranormal Editor

According to the Open Minds website, tests have now confirmed that the crash debris from Roswell in 1947 have been tested and are confirmed to not have originated on this earth.

"A teacher at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell may have discovered the first scientific evidence of manufactured debris made on another planet. Furthermore, this debris was found near the location where pieces from an alleged flying saucer were discovered outside of Roswell in 1947."

Kimbler swept the crash site, focusing on areas where satellite images indicated possible debris.  He finally uncovered numerous fragments of metallic slag and other peculiar debris.  He had the debris analyzed in a number of tests, including magnesium isotope fractionation tests,

 Magnesium isotope fractionation chart modified from the graph used by Dr. Peter Sturrock in his analysis of the Ubatuba UFO fragment. Magnesium bearing compounds, metals, and minerals should all plot on or very close to the line. A chondite is a type of meteorite and since it does not originate from Earth does not plot on the line. The Roswell AH-1 alloy plots way of the line. The AH-1 plot is an anomaly that is either an analytical error or the material is not from Earth. More testing is needed to verify the data to see if it is an error or its from another world. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

The Roswell crash debris, 64 years ago

Tests have confirmed the materials did not originate on earth.  Kimbler is being careful before making any definitive claims, but he is “hopeful.” He says certified labs don’t normally make mistakes, and that these people who did the work are some of the best in the business.  However, he is currently having the samples retested by two other laboratories. 

Read the detailed story here, on Open Mind. . .

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Alien Lore No. 209 - The Greatest Story Ever Denied

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal Editor
UFO - Greatest Story Ever Denied is an hour and a half long rundown of some of the most interesting and provocative Grey/UFO events following the Roswell crash in 1946.   One focus is the "Battle of LA," in which government forces fired upon which they thought was a UFO, but later claimed was a weather balloon. The film includes amazing photographs of Klieg lights trained on UFOs in the skies above LA and a radio broadcast describing the 1,500 rounds that were shot at the unidentified craft -- without hitting a single one! The documentary also covers some of the early military "cover-ups," and information about UFOs that researchers claim are invisible and can only be seem with infrared cameras.

"The nations of this world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must some day make a common front against attack by people from other planets." -- General Douglas MacArthur October 8, 1955

I try to avoid reading the comments on YouTube--generally you feel like you need a bath after reading them.  In this case, I did enjoy one commenter who suggests that the reason there has been no public acknowledgement of UFOs and Greys is that the Greys signed a mutual non-disclosure agreement with the "nations of earth."

"To me, the most compelling reason why UFOs have never been publicly acknowledged is that there must be a non-disclosure agreement between the ETs and the nations of the earth. When a nation asks "Why should we agree to not disclose your existence?" the reply might have been, "Remember the Tunguska Event?" "Yes." "We can do that on a much more massive scale. It's up to you."

"Fear is a powerful motivator."

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Alien Lore No. 208 - a sketch of two UFOs from Great Britain

This sketch is one of many documents the British government released in the last couple of years from their vast collection of UFO files.

click to enlarge

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Alien Lore No. 207 - The Greys, Betty and Barney Hill, and Zeta Reticuli

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomena Editor

Click to enlarge
Paranormal aficionados,  UFOlogists and even, once in a blue moon, a scholar or professor, make wild and fairly contradictory assertions about just exactly what The Greys are--machines?, Extraterrestrial Biological Entities/ETs?, extradimensionals?, monsters?, or maybe even the mind-effing ability of a far greater intelligence to project virtual Greys into our world?   The focus of Alien Lore took a sharp turn with stories of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction claim and the role of The Greys in that.

Greys are usually depicted as short, grey-skinned beings with only a suggestion of, or completely missing, noses, ears, breasts, or sexual organs.  The are small chested, and have no  muscular definition or visible skeletal structure. Their legs are shorter and jointed differently those of homo sapiens. Their humerus and thigh bones are the same lengths as their forearms and shins, respectively.

According to Wikipedia, "Among reports of supposed alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50 percent in Australia, 43 percent in the United States, 90 percent in Canada, 67 percent in Brazil, 20 percent in Continental Europe, and around 12 percent in Great Britain."

H.G. Wells wrote in Man of the Year Million in the 19th century about tiny Greys with big heads. His 1901 novel, The First Men in the Moon describes moon natives as grey skinned, big headed, with large black eyes and wasp wings (very similar to our contemporary Greys without the wings). Wells also describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth as food by the antagonists of his novel, and most enduring work, The War of the Worlds.

Betty and Barney Hill, claimed to have been abducted by alien beings and taken to a saucer-shaped spaceship in 1961. And this is where Zeta Reticuli enters alien lore.  The term "Greys" did not come into usage until many years later, but the beings described by the Hills fit many of the common traits of what we now call Greys.  An elementary school teacher and amateur astronomer, Marjorie Fish, concluded that the home planet of these beings as shown in a star map drawn by Betty Hill, was located in the Zeta Reticuli star system (their home planet is thought to be the fourth planet of the second star of Reticulum). The Greys became known in alien lore as Zeta Reticulans.  During the 1990s, popular culture began to increasingly link the ZR Greys to a dizzying number of military-industrial complex/New World Order conspiracy theories.

A well known example of this was the TV series The X-Files, that combined the quest to find proof of the existence of The Greys with UFO conspiracy theory subplots, to form its story arc. Other notable examples include the great and short-lived series, Dark Skies, first broadcast in 1996, which expanded upon the Majestic 12 conspiracy.

Betty and Barney Hill

Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, head of CSETI, and a prominent UFO conspiracy theorist, has publicly presented over 400 "government, military, and intelligence community witnesses" that have offered testimony to the existence of aliens and UFO and/or efforts to cover up their existence and who have stated that they would be willing to defend their claims under oath.

Alas, the odds are stacked against anyone even being able to study whether all this is true or not... Stanton Friedman considers the general attitude of mainstream academics as arrogant and dismissive, and bound to a world view that disallows any evidence contrary to previously held notions. 

Ridicule and a loss of status prevents scientists from pursuing the study UFOs.  J. Allen Hynek 
commented, "Ridicule is not part of the scientific method and people should not be taught that it is." Hynek said of the frequent dismissal of UFO reports by astronomers that the critics know nothing about the sightings, and should thus not be taken seriously. Peter A. Sturrock suggests that a lack of funding is a major factor in the institutional disinterest in UFOs.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Alien Lore No. 206 - Conditioning Us For The Visitors

By Jack Brummet
Unexplained Phenomena Editor

In the last couple of months, on top of continuing releases by various governments (France, Russia, England, The United States), two books on UFOlogy/Alien Lore have appeared that make a lot more sense than much of what has appeared previously.  A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact, by Bryce Zabel (of Dark Skies fame) and Richard Dolan, and Annie Jacobsen's Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base ,[1] both raise a lot of fascinating questions and pose a few answers. 

What does it all really mean? I kind of like Jacque VallĂ©e's take on it.   Check out the the saucer UFO lore from the ground up:

  • a baffling and inexplicable technology that contradict everything we know about the natural laws of time and space;
  • A phenomenon that seems intricate, but absurd, and more like a dream than imagination or rational thought;
  • Many thousands of people, scattered all over the world (including at least three US President, two astronauts, and hundreds of others),  see something that shatters their previous notions of what is real;
  • Governments and churches and corporations heap enough ridicule on witnesses to silence many more;
  • Conspiracy theorists, UFOlogists, and total wackjobs band together and some jockey for control of a murky and sometimes sinister subculture;
  • Religions are born, structured around the Alien Lore.

Since 1947, when Kenneth Arnold spotted a UFO armada just eighty miles south of me, near Mount Rainier, there has been growing speculation over just what is Out There.  In the end, what do all the stories, reports, movies, books, documentaries, and investigations mean? What does this UFO thing really look like? It looks like a conditioning mechanism.   Conditioning us for what?  Why don't "They" just land on the White House lawn? As a UFOlogist once wrote "For the same reason that the chemists at Parke-Davis don't introduce themselves to their rats."  According to this school of though, we are being conditioned for their eventual arrival.  Or, more accurately--since many theorists believe they are already here--for their introduction.

As I've explained many times before to skeptics, I've written these couple of hundred pieces not because I believe in UFOs, The Greys, a Majestic-12 conspiracy, and a massive governmental cover-up, but more because I don't not believe.  No one has yet convinced me--as insane as it all sounds--that all of this is not possible.
The Krill Papers [2] are either a fascinating collection of confabulations, pretzel logic, and pure conspiracy hokum, or a shocking expose of a government that sold us down the tubes to invaders. The Krill Papers were purportedly dictated by an alien hostage left with our government when his spacecraft landed at Holloman Air Force Base in the 1960's. The Krill Papers were released by William Cooper and have been the subject of heated and protracted ebate in the UFO community. You can read them here.   If you believe Krill (read the footnote/satellite data cluster below),  you can see the conditioning is well underway.


[1] Jacobsen writes:  "The UFO craze began in the summer of 1947. Several months later, the G2 intelligence, which was the Army intelligence corps at the time, spent an enormous amount of time and treasure seeking out two former Third Reich aerospace designers named Walter and Reimar Horten who had allegedly created [a] flying disc. ... American intelligence agents fanned out across Europe seeking the Horton brothers to find out if, in fact, they had made this flying disc.
"The idea behind it remains, why? Why were they looking for a flying disc? And conspiracy theorists have had their hands on this declassified file for over a decade now, and they say it proves that this flying disc came from outer space. If you read the documents, the takeaway that I found fascinating was that at the end of it, the Army admits finding the Horten brothers, and that the Horten brothers admitted their contact with the Russians and that's where the file ends. Everything after that is classified."

"The plan, according to my source, was to create panic in the United States with this belief that a UFO had landed with aliens inside of it. And one of the most interesting documents is the second CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith, memos back and forth to the National Security Council talking about how the fear is that the Soviets could make a hoax against America involving a UFO and overload our early air-defense warning system, making America vulnerable to an attack."

[2] The Krill Papers stated purpose is to prove:
  • Craft from other worlds have crashed on Earth.
  • Alien craft are from both ultra-dimensional sources and sources within this dimension.
  • Early U.S. government efforts at acquiring alien technology were successful.
  • The U.S. government has had live alien hostages at some point in time.
  • The government has conducted autopsies on alien cadavers.
  • U.S. intelligence agencies, security agencies, and public agencies are involved in the cover up of facts pertaining to the situation.
  • People have been and are currently abducted, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation.
  • There is a current active alien presence on this planet among us that controls difference elements of our society.
  • Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.
  • The U.S. government has had a working relationship with alien forces for some time, with the express purpose of gaining technology in gravitational propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.
  • Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of acquiring biological materials.
  • Both aliens and the U.S. government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons.
  • We live in a multi-dimensional world that is overlapped and visited by entities from other dimensions. Many of these entities are hostile. Many are not hostile.
  • The basis of our genetic development and religions lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and terrestrial forces.
  • Actual technology far exceeds that perceived by the public.
  • The United States space program is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes. - People are being actively killed in order to suppress the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt structure.
  • Facts indicate alien overt presence within five to ten years.
  • Our civilization is one of many that have existed in the last billion years.
Most notably, Krill said, or wrote,

"The Greys are insidious little fiends. They did exactly [to us] what they're doing here [to you]. You are not on the verge of an invasion. You are not in the middle of an invasion. The invasion has already taken place. It's merely in its final stages."

"What would you invade? [Here he describes the operational plan of the Greys from the beginning.] You would go to the most secret of communities within a society. In the case of the United States, you would go and infiltrate the CIA. You would take over some of them and you would take over part of the KGB.

"You would create great dissension and disagreement between factions of the public at large -- some groups saying they have seen UFOs, others saying 'No, no, this is not possible.' You would involve two major countries in an on-going idiotic philosophical disagreement so that while the Soviet Union and the United States constantly battle back and forth about who has which piece of territory or whether one invades Iran or whether one invades Afghanistan or whatever... whether one dismantles one nuclear warhead or the other dismantles another group of warheads -- you would sit back and laugh if you had the capacity to laugh.

"You would present yourself indeed to some in a group who would protect you [CIA or MJ-12] thinking they had a secret more secret and more perfect knowledge of something than anyone else on this planet had, and they would covet you and you would trust their own greed and you would trust their own mass stupidity to trap them. And you'd do it on both sides

"You'd show yourself to some of the mass populace to further involve [factions of] the government in an attempt to shut them up, to keep them even more busy quieting them and trying to 'stop more information about UFOs from getting out.' You'd have the mass populace to a state where they distrusted the government. 'Oh, why don't they believe us? Why can't they understand that these things are really happening? We're not crazy!'

"So you would have battles constantly about whether UFOs exist or they don't exist. You would have the public and the government at each other's throats. You would set two major superpowers at each other's throats. And you would have set up groups like 'haves' -- the wealthy but contented -- and the 'have- nots.' You would plant the seeds of massive discontent.

"Eventually you might have some show of ships landing in the 1990s. One or two. By the time they have landed, be assured they will be in complete control. You will start doing crossbreeds and more crossbreeds, generation after generation.

"You bribe the government with a few tidbits -- a Star Wars system. You tease and tempt the Soviet Union with a laser system far finer than any of their own scientists could think of. And you always have that subtle inference -- just on the borderline of consciousness so that UFOs don't seem to believable, yet you keep it couched in secrecy and make it seem quite so insane that no one would believe them. On top of it, you would unleash forces that would want to kill them [UFO contactees] if they disclosed that the CIA is dealing with the exact same things the [contact victim] is.

"Maybe one or two hundred years from now, some of the Greys will even physically mingle and you may have some creatures walking around who are pretty much hybrids between Greys and your own race. For now, anything that walks around will look much like yourselves. It's simpler. It holds down on mass panic.

"Everyone who has experiences with them [Greys] will be at odds with the government. To add to that, we will go into a complete phased of earthquake after earthquake and upheaval after upheaval.

"The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Greys. The CIA sees interaction with the Greys as a path to greater scientific achievement.

"One reason you are seeing so many different kinds of UFOs is that other cultures are watching with extreme interest. Scientists from other cultures arrive to watch. The Greys have not only taken over the intelligence agencies, they have also taken over what those agencies call 'lunatic fringe groups.' "