Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts
Friday, April 08, 2016
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Photo: JFK on the campaign trail (1960)
By Jack Brummet
There have been some pathetic turnouts for Republican rallies and speeches recently, especially among the second tier candidates. Rick Santorum gave a speech recently at which one person showed up. Here is a shot of the 1960 Presidential election winner, early in the primary season.
There have been some pathetic turnouts for Republican rallies and speeches recently, especially among the second tier candidates. Rick Santorum gave a speech recently at which one person showed up. Here is a shot of the 1960 Presidential election winner, early in the primary season.
[Provenance and photographer unknown]
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Frank Sinatra with JFK at the 1961 Inaugural
By Jack Brummet
Phil Stern's great photo of Frank Sinatra and JFK at the Kennedy Inauguration in January, 1961.
Phil Stern's great photo of Frank Sinatra and JFK at the Kennedy Inauguration in January, 1961.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Caroline, Jackie, and Jack Kennedy, Hyannisport, 1959
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.
Caroline, Jackie, and Senator Jack Kennedy, at the family compound in Hyannisport, 1959, a year before his election campaign against Richard Nixon. The survivor in this photo, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, is our Ambassador to Japan. Photographer unknown to me. I don't know if it actually is, but the shot has that rich Kodachrome look. . .
Caroline, Jackie, and Senator Jack Kennedy, at the family compound in Hyannisport, 1959, a year before his election campaign against Richard Nixon. The survivor in this photo, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, is our Ambassador to Japan. Photographer unknown to me. I don't know if it actually is, but the shot has that rich Kodachrome look. . .
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Remembering JFK: favorite photographs
By Jack Brummet, Presidents Ed.
Jack and Jackie Kodachrome
Mysterious injury
during the Cuban Missile Crisus
photobooth Jackie and Jack
Marlin fishing
The Senator
Ethyl with J & J
Trying to calm down his Vice President
Turkey pardon
with his predecessor Ike
with Tricky Dick
JFK with his nemesis J.Edgar Hoover
With his trusted advisor former President Harry S. Truman
With former President Herbert Hoover
With John Glenn, looking at his capsule Friendship 7
with Premier Nikita Kruschev
On board Patrol Torpedo boat 109 during WW II
With his bad back, a rare action shot
Senator John Kennedy with the President
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The Cuban Missile Crisis: On the brink
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.
I recently read a book about the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis, and the JFK (+RFK) White House response. It's incredible how close we came to incinerating everything, and somehow bumbled through it with Russia and Cuba, ending up more or less whole.
This photograph shows an anti-aircraft gun on Key West that week, pointed out over the Florida Straits.
I recently read a book about the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis, and the JFK (+RFK) White House response. It's incredible how close we came to incinerating everything, and somehow bumbled through it with Russia and Cuba, ending up more or less whole.
This photograph shows an anti-aircraft gun on Key West that week, pointed out over the Florida Straits.
click to enlarge
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Coincidences? JFK & Abe Lincoln
By Jack Brummet, Presidents Ed.
I don't know if you remember this ancient (pre-meme) meme, but here it is, slightly updated...
I don't know if you remember this ancient (pre-meme) meme, but here it is, slightly updated...
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The anti-JFK flyer that circulated in Dallas in November, 1963
By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
This is the flyer/handbill that widely circulated in Dallas, TX around the time of JFK's assassination in November 1963. It is, not surprisingly, similar in content to the relentless attacks on BHO since his election in November, 2008.
This is the flyer/handbill that widely circulated in Dallas, TX around the time of JFK's assassination in November 1963. It is, not surprisingly, similar in content to the relentless attacks on BHO since his election in November, 2008.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Alien Lore No. 231 - Senator Bobby Kennedy on aliens and UFOs
By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor
A letter from Senator Robert Kennedy has just sold on eBay. It was a typed letter, written to Anne Epple of NYC, on a question she asked about UFOs. The September 10, 1966 letter sold for $220. The Epple letter is the second known letter written by Robert Kennedy on the UFOs/ETs.
Dear Mrs. Epple,
Thank you for your thoughtful letter on "unidentified flying objects".
Many reputable scientists also believe that there must be other beings in the universe. Dr. Harlow Shapley, for one, has stated that there is a high probability that there is other life in the universe. To believe that there is other life in the universe is not, however, to believe that "UFO's" are manned vehicles. One explanation of this phenomenon, in addition to those you mentioned, connects the lights that are seen with the gaseous tails of comets. A careful analysis of sighting to date has not given us any indication that "UFO's" are manned.
I appreciate hearing from you on this matter and look forward to hearing from you again.
Robert F. Kennedy
The letter is similar to another letter written on May 9, 1968 from Senator Kennedy to Gray Barker. Barker was the publisher of Saucer News. In the Gray letter, Kennedy writes about his interest in UFOs. He writes: “I am a card carrying member of the Amalgamated Flying Saucers Association. Therefore, like many other people in our country I am interested in the phenomenon of flying saucers.”
The excellent TV series Dark Skies (1996-97) had several plot points around the Kennedy brothers, and posited early in the series that JFK was killed because he became aware of a government cover-up of aliens and UFOs by the Majestic 12 organization. In Dark Skies, Bobby Kennedy was a sworn enemy of Majestic 12 and believed people "deserve to know the truth." In one episode Frank Bach, the head of Majestic, told the rogue agent John Loengard that "Bobby Kennedy will never become President."
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Contrary to the wingnuts' claims, BHO is no dove. He's a Scoop Jackson Democrat.
Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
I've never doubted BHO's bellicosity; I never thought he was soft on war. He let us know that from the very beginning. He was never against war, but he was very particular about which war he wanted. The difference between him and President George W. Bush was the focus of their multi-pronged war, not war itself. In some ways, he's a Scoop Jackson defense democrat (if you doubt that, look at the current defense and war budgets), who is now facing potential action in Pakistan, and if things blow up, Iran. And those wars are in addition to sending troops and advisers into other various hot spots and troubled regions (for example, Libya and Egypt). He may not be a hawk, but he is a Defense Democrat ala JFK. Appeasement? Come on. President Barack Obama is no George McGovern or Gene McCarthy. And he most certainly is not a Neville Chamberlain.
Image from JP Moore at Buzzfeed.
I've never doubted BHO's bellicosity; I never thought he was soft on war. He let us know that from the very beginning. He was never against war, but he was very particular about which war he wanted. The difference between him and President George W. Bush was the focus of their multi-pronged war, not war itself. In some ways, he's a Scoop Jackson defense democrat (if you doubt that, look at the current defense and war budgets), who is now facing potential action in Pakistan, and if things blow up, Iran. And those wars are in addition to sending troops and advisers into other various hot spots and troubled regions (for example, Libya and Egypt). He may not be a hawk, but he is a Defense Democrat ala JFK. Appeasement? Come on. President Barack Obama is no George McGovern or Gene McCarthy. And he most certainly is not a Neville Chamberlain.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Draft Resistance pamphlet from Seattle in the late 1960's
By Jack Brummet
Seattle History Correspondent
I worked part time as a draft counselor in a community center in 1970-72. We worked mostly with people trying to file for conscientious objector status, took part in marches, letter writing campaigns, and distributing literature about the draft. We weren't really part of the hard-core resistance movement (meaning we didn't perform acts of sabotage and most of our customers did not want to go to jail.), but we were fellow travellers and, really, just different branches of the same tree.
These pamphlets and posters remind me that everything was hand-made/analog in those days. You can see in this flyer that they used three different typewriters (or different IBM type balls). Maybe it was commercially printed, or maybe it was typed on mimeograph stencils and then duplicated.
Seattle History Correspondent
I worked part time as a draft counselor in a community center in 1970-72. We worked mostly with people trying to file for conscientious objector status, took part in marches, letter writing campaigns, and distributing literature about the draft. We weren't really part of the hard-core resistance movement (meaning we didn't perform acts of sabotage and most of our customers did not want to go to jail.), but we were fellow travellers and, really, just different branches of the same tree.
These pamphlets and posters remind me that everything was hand-made/analog in those days. You can see in this flyer that they used three different typewriters (or different IBM type balls). Maybe it was commercially printed, or maybe it was typed on mimeograph stencils and then duplicated.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Alien Lore No. 201 - Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens?
By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore & Unexplained Phenomena Editor
Was JFK assassinated because of his interest in aliens? [1] A recently released memo shows that The President asked to see UFO files 10 days before death. This very scenario was a central part and key plot element of one of my favorite TV shows of all time, the great series Dark Skies by Bryce Zabel. In Dark Skies, JFK was assassinated after demanding to see Majestic's files on the Roswell "incident."
A letter written by President Kennedy to the head of the CIA shows that the president demanded to be shown confidential documents a week before before his assassination. The memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12, 1963.[2] These letters have been released by the CIA for the first time. Of course, the CIA may have its own reasons for this. Many of the JFK conspiracy people have pointed a finger at the Central Intelligence Agency ever since the day he was assassinated.
Author William Lester said the CIA released the documents to him under a Freedom of Information Act request he made as he researched his new book 'A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.' Alien researchers say the latest documents add weight to earlier suggestions that JFK was shot to prevent him discovering the truth about UFOs, and an alien invasion that may have already been underway.
As a sidenote, after he became President, Bill Clinton asked his Assistant Attorney General, Webster Hubbell, to investigate two things. “One, who killed JFK? And two, are there UFOs?” Bryce Zabel writes on the website After Disclosure about Bill Clinton's request: "Clinton may not have realized how closely the two questions may have been connected." [3]
Zabel also said "The Kennedy assassination is something like Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. Everyone had a motive: the Mafia, the CIA, the Cubans, the Pentagon, the Soviets, and the Federal Reserve, for starters. Could that list also include Majestic Twelve, the name often ascribed to the powerful insiders who control the UFO secret?
"My answer to that question is, why not?
[1] As many JFK conspiracy theorists have pointed out--although they admittedly generally have their one pet theory--everyone had a motive.
[2] JFK researcher Professor Lawrence Merrick, author of an upcoming blockbuster book Killing the Messenger: The Death of JFK, writes that JFK planned to give a speech that began "Citizens of this Earth, we are not alone." John F. Kennedy planned to inform the American public and the world at large that the U.S. government had made contact with aliens from deep space.
[3] This is not new information. One website wrote about a JFK-UFO link as early as 2003 (there are probably other earlier references in books and on the web). Conspiracies That Parallax: JFK’s Assassination & UFO Alien Abductions
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Smoking Gun busts TMZ over photos of JFK with a crowd of naked women

click to enlarge
By Pablo Fanque,
All This Is That National Affairs Editor
The Smoking Gun busts TMZ over their bogus photo/story of JFK frolicking with a bevy of naked women. The picture was actually from a 1967 Playboy story...
"TMZ claimed to have consulted with "multiple experts," including a forensic photo expert and two unnamed JFK biographers, as it sought to confirm that the late president was photographed surrounded by a quartet of naked women."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
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