Showing posts with label Alien Lore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alien Lore. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Alien Lore No. 236 - UFO flyover in the Pacific Northwest (at the Vancouver, B.C. Jazz Festival)

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor


This short streaming Facebook video was recorded by on June 24, 2012.  It appears to show  some unexpected visitors in a flyover at a Vancouver International Jazz Festival night performance.  "A large, bright fast-moving object and a smaller pulsating orb were both captured with digital night vision by the Vancouver UFO Skywatch (VUFOS) in the northern sky at times when no such objects were predicted by online satellite tracking tables"


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Alien Lore No. 235 - "65 percent of Americans say Obama better suited to handle alien invasion than Romney"

By Jack Brummet
Alien Lore Editor

[thanks to Jeff Clinton for the news tip...]

65 percent of Americans say that President Obama is better suited to handle an alien invasion than ExGovernor Mitt Romney.  You can read the story here, on Yahoo.  We have written numerous articles on Presidents and UFOs over the years...a selection of those articles appear below.

Other recent Alien Lore articles on ATIT

Alien Lore No. 217: The night UFOs buzzed the White House
ATIT Reheated - Alien Lore No. 196: The Nation of Islam and UFOs
Alien Lore No. 220 - The Ariel School UFO/Grey sighting in Ruwa, Zimbabwe
Alien Lore No. 232 - The Dyatlov Pass incident
Alien Lore No. 221—Pyramids Transmitting Energy To A Mysterious Space Cloud
Alien Lore No. 210 - The crash artifacts from Roswell have been tested, and appear to be extraterrestrial 
Alien Lore No. 209 - The Greatest Story Ever Denied 
Alien Lore No. 208 - a sketch of two UFOs from Great Britain 
Alien Lore No. 207 - The Greys, Betty and Barney Hill, and Zeta Reticuli 
Alien Lore No. 206 - Conditioning Us For The Visitors 
Alien Lore. No. 205 - NMA.TV hits another one out of the park: "Roswell Aliens, A Plot By Stalin?" 
Alien Lore No. 204: Hitler's deal with The Greys 
Alien Lore No. 203 - UFO lightships around Delaware PA, October, 2010
Alien Lore No. 202 - Dolan & Zabel on UFO Disclosure: "There is going to be blowback beyond belief:" 
Alien Lore No. 201 - Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? 


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Alien Lore Mo. 234 - The sounds and music we sent into deep space on the Voyager (1977)

By Jack Brummet, NASA and Alien Lore Editor

The picture on the left went into space with our early interstellar craft (The Pioneers). It explains where earth is, what homo sapiens sort of looked like naked (like Barbie and Ken), and other information, like a diagram indicating the location of our sun. 

Nasa's Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) worked on this "Interstellar Outreach Program" for many years. The gold-plated disk is from the two Voyager craft, launched after the Pioneer.  It 
is a bronze record containing sounds and images of life on earth. Each of the two Voyagers is equipped with a record player of sorts--with a cartridge, even--to play the disk, and recover the images. 

The two circles in the bottom right side of the record show the two lowest states of a hydrogen atom. The vertical lines on the circles show the spin moment of the electron and proton. And (is this cool, or what?) "the transition time from one state to the next provides the fundamental clock reference used in ALL the cover diagrams and the images to be decoded from binaries."  [Ed's note: Obviously, they're not expecting a dork like me to find the record laying around somewhere in the future].

Carl Sagan and a team of other folks designed and selected the Voyager's messages and data. The disk includes a greeting in 55 different languages, from Aramaic to Vietnamese. The record also includes a sampler of non-human Earth sounds such as wind, rain, surf, chimps, sheep, crickets, saws, and trains. It contains photos as well, and maps, diagrams of DNA, vertebrate anatomy charts, chemical and mathematical definitions, and other visual displays. The disk includes Beethoven, a Chuck Berry tune (Johnny B, Goode), Bach and Mozart, a Navajo chant, Indian Ragas, and a Louis Armstrong recording. There are 116 binary images on the record. 

No one know if the aliens who find this will be able to use it, or decode the information. Will they even have hands? Opposable thumbs? Will they even think in any path parallel to ours? Will the disk just look like gibberish to them? Their scientists--if they have science (and we assume they must)--may need to study the disk for a couple of thousand years before they make a breakthrough. 

A book titled Murmurs of the Earth, written by Sagan and colleagues, was reissued in 1992 with a CD-ROM compilation of the Golden Record, and a description of its creation. It's out of print, but you can pick up a copy fairly cheaply. 

Don't hold your breath that any of our cousins in other galaxies will find this and come to visit. The Voyager will not come close to another star for something like 40,000 years. But then again, when you're dealing with our alien cousins Out There, 40,000 years may just be a sneeze in the winds of time. 

Sounds included on the Voyager record:

  • Music of The Spheres (WTF is this!?)
  • Volcanoes, Earthquake, Thunder
  • Mud Pots
  • Wind, Rain, Surf
  • Crickets, Frogs
  • Birds, Hyena, Elephant
  • Chimpanzee
  • Wild Dog
  • Footsteps, Heartbeat, Laughter
  • Fire, Speech
  • The First Tools
  • Tame Dog
  • Herding Sheep, Blacksmith, Sawing
  • Tractor, Riveter
  • Morse Code, Ships
  • Horse and Cart
  • Train
  • Tractor, Bus, Auto
  • F-111 Flyby, Saturn 5 Lift-off
  • Kiss, Mother and Child
  • Life Signs, Pulsar


  • Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F. First Movement, Munich Bach Orchestra, Karl Richter, conductor. 4:40
  • Java, court gamelan, "Kinds of Flowers," recorded by Robert Brown. 4:43
  • Senegal, percussion, recorded by Charles Duvelle. 2:08
  • Zaire, Pygmy girls' initiation song, recorded by Colin Turnbull. 0:56
  • Australia, Aborigine songs, "Morning Star" and "Devil Bird," recorded by Sandra LeBrun Holmes. 1:26
  • Mexico, "El Cascabel," performed by Lorenzo Barcelata and the Mariachi México. 3:14
  • "Johnny B. Goode," written and performed by Chuck Berry. 2:38
  • New Guinea, men's house song, recorded by Robert MacLennan. 1:20
  • Japan, shakuhachi, "Cranes in Their Nest," performed by Coro Yamaguchi. 4:51
  • Bach, "Gavotte en rondeaux" from the Partita No. 3 in E major for Violin, performed by Arthur Grumiaux. 2:55
  • Mozart, The Magic Flute, Queen of the Night aria, no. 14. Edda Moser, soprano. Bavarian State Opera, Munich, Wolfgang Sawallisch, conductor. 2:55
  • Georgian S.S.R., chorus, "Tchakrulo," collected by Radio Moscow. 2:18
  • Peru, panpipes and drum, collected by Casa de la Cultura, Lima. 0:52
  • "Melancholy Blues," performed by Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven. 3:05
  • Azerbaijan S.S.R., bagpipes, recorded by Radio Moscow. 2:30
  • Stravinsky, Rite of Spring, Sacrificial Dance, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky, conductor. 4:35
  • Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2, Prelude and Fugue in C, No.1. Glenn Gould, piano. 4:48
  • Beethoven, Fifth Symphony, First Movement, the Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer, conductor. 7:20
  • Bulgaria, "Izlel je Delyo Hagdutin," sung by Valya Balkanska. 4:59
  • Navajo Indians, Night Chant, recorded by Willard Rhodes. 0:57
  • Holborne, Paueans, Galliards, Almains and Other Short Aeirs, "The Fairie Round," performed by David Munrow and the Early Music Consort of London. 1:17
  • Solomon Islands, panpipes, collected by the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Service. 1:12
  • Peru, wedding song, recorded by John Cohen. 0:38
  • China, ch'in, "Flowing Streams," performed by Kuan P'ing-hu. 7:37
  • India, raga, "Jaat Kahan Ho," sung by Surshri Kesar Bai Kerkar. 3:30
  • "Dark Was the Night," written and performed by Blind Willie Johnson. 3:15
  • Beethoven, String Quartet No. 13 in B flat, Opus 130, Cavatina, performed by Budapest String Quartet 6:37


Thursday, June 14, 2012

ATIT Reheated: Alien Lore No. 180 - The Alien Moon Base

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

"Luna," according to many UFOlogists is an Alien base on the far side of the Moon (e.g., the side we never see).  They say it was filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. They also claim the base is HQ for a massive mining operation using very large machines. According to Milton Cooper, a number of very large alien craft--which he described as "mother ships"--were also there. 

Many researchers, UFOlogists, and nutjobs claim that  both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in in July, 1969.  People claims that one of the astronauts referred to a "light" in a crater during their television transmission.  Mission Control pressed for  further details.   The astronauts did not respond.

According to a former NASA employee, unnamed radio operators with their own VHF receiving facilities  picked up the following exchange:

NASA: What's there?  Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

Apollo11:  These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous!  OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!

The dark side of the moon -- the alleged location of the Alien Moon Base

In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, a former head of NASA Communications said that  Armstrong had
reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."

Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University said "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module.  But his message was never heard by the public," because NASA pulled it.

Another Soviet scientist, Dr.Aleksandr Kazantsev, says he saw color movies of the UFOs taken by Buzz Aldrin from inside Apollo 11.  Buzz continued filming them after he and Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon.  The UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts came out on to the lunar surface.

UFOlogists claims that Apollo 11's radio transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to hide the news from the public.  Maurice Chatelain claims that "all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name.  Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."

Moon Bases?

Another researcher says "I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell  on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear: 'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."


One professor asked Neil Armstrong during a university NASA symposium:

Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?


Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!...and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.

Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth.   [He says here also that after Apollo 11, no one lingered on the moon].

Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but gave no details other than admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Alien Lore No. 231 - Senator Bobby Kennedy on aliens and UFOs

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

A letter from Senator Robert Kennedy has just sold on eBay.  It was a typed letter, written to Anne Epple of NYC, on a question she asked about UFOs.  The September 10, 1966 letter sold for  $220.  The Epple letter is the second known letter written by Robert Kennedy on the UFOs/ETs.

Dear Mrs. Epple,
Thank you for your thoughtful letter on "unidentified flying objects".
Many reputable scientists also believe that there must be other beings in the universe. Dr. Harlow Shapley, for one, has stated that there is a high probability that there is other life in the universe. To believe that there is other life in the universe is not, however, to believe that "UFO's" are manned vehicles. One explanation of this phenomenon, in addition to those you mentioned, connects the lights that are seen with the gaseous tails of comets. A careful analysis of sighting to date has not given us any indication that "UFO's" are manned.
I appreciate hearing from you on this matter and look forward to hearing from you again.
Robert F. Kennedy

The letter is similar to another letter written on May 9, 1968 from Senator Kennedy to Gray Barker. Barker was the publisher of Saucer News.  In the Gray letter, Kennedy writes about his interest in UFOs. He writes: “I am a card carrying member of the Amalgamated Flying Saucers Association. Therefore, like many other people in our country I am interested in the phenomenon of flying saucers.” 

The excellent TV series Dark Skies (1996-97) had several plot points around the Kennedy brothers, and posited early in the series that JFK was killed because he became aware of a government cover-up of aliens and UFOs by the Majestic 12 organization.  In Dark Skies, Bobby Kennedy was a sworn enemy of Majestic 12 and believed people "deserve to know the truth."  In one episode Frank Bach, the head of Majestic, told the rogue agent John Loengard that "Bobby Kennedy will never become President."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Alien Lore No. 226 - The Bill Moore Area 51 Research File

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore & Paranormal Editor

Bill Moore was one of the best known UFOlogists in the late 70s/80s.   His credibility and fame came from the best seller he co-wrote, The Roswell Incident.   His book was the catalyst in launching a heated up UFO movement.  T.R.I. helped make Roswell a household name.  Now, everyone knows about the 1947 Roswell UFO crash.  The book also helped popularize the controversial and hotly debated notion of back-engineered UFOs.

Moore went on to release the famous Majestic 12 documents with Stanton Friedman and Jamie Shaandera. Moore later became involved with a shadowy spook in defense intelligence code-named Falcon. Falcon promised to deliver evidence of some of the darkest secrets in government conspiracy to cover up the presence of UFOs.  in 1989, Moore in 1989 gave a speech outlining his work with Falcon and the world of counter-intelligence.  An article in the Wikipedia detailed these events:  

"The original contact Moore later met was to be known as 'Falcon'. In exchange for information received Moore would keep tabs on sections of the UFO research community. This also included taking part in disinformation activities against Paul Bennewitz with AFOSI agent Richard C. Doty, as Moore would later admit at the 1989 Las Vegas MUFON conference. Throughout the 80s the group of intelligence contacts grew in number, each given a bird name - hence they became known as 'The Aviary'."

After that speech, the UFO community was outraged that he had collaborated with these domestic spies, and heaped abuse on Moore, who eventually abandoned UFO research, saying there was nothing more to be known than he had already uncovered.

While Moore was active, he collected voluminous information on Area 51.  That information has now been released.  You can find all the research here, on the Presidential UFO site.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Alien Lore No. 225 - Jackie Gleason's tale of President Dick Nixon and "The men from Mars"

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore & Paranormal Editor

On February 19,1973, according to White House records, President Richard Nixon met Jackie Gleason on the 18th green at the Inverness Golf and Country Club. He was there to help kick off a charity golf tournament founded by Gleason. If rumors are true, Nixon also came to Florida in 1973 to show Jackie Gleason the bodies of extraterrestrials (knowing, he too, believed there was something Out There).

True or not, it's a good story. . .Dick Nixon and The Great One driving in the dead of night, without Secret Service protection, to the cooler where they kept the recovered alien bodies.

Timothy Green Buckley said in an interview once: “I'm afraid I am a bit of a fence setter. All this could be real or none of it could be!” What follows is his strange and funny article from UFOs Among the Stars.

Mixing Richard Nixon, Jackie Gleason, conspiracy, and Aliens together, how can you really go wrong?

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Jackie Gleason & The Little Men From Mars
by Timothy Green Beckley

Way back in the mid-1960s, I got a letter in the mail from Jackie Gleason Productions, Hollywood, Florida, ordering a copy of a mimeographed booklet I had put together relating to UFOs. This, to me, was confirmation of what I had heard rumors about for a long time ... that "the Great One" was personally involved in researching UFOs. Supposedly - and I've since found out that this is true--Gleason had one of the greatest UFO book collections in the world. This is where the tale gets a bit wilder. A story circulated by Gleason's ex-wife, Beverly, has Jackie actually viewing the bodies of several aliens who died when their craft crashed in the Southwest.

The story was carried originally in the National Enquirer, and though Beverly Gleason later confirmed it to members of the press who were able to track her down, independent confirmation of Gleason's supposed experience could - for the longest time - not be certified.

Now with the striking revelations of a young man who knew Gleason personally, it can safely be said that such an event did take place... 

Larry Warren was an Airman First Class stationed at Bentwaters Air Force Base in England (a NATO installation staffed mainly by US. servicemen) when an incredible series of events took place over Christmas week of 1980. A UFO was picked up on radar and subsequently came down just outside the perimeter of the base in a dense forest.

On the first of several nights of confrontation with the Unknown, three security police ventured into the area across an eerie-looking object hovering just above the ground. One of the MPs was mesmerized by the UFO and was unable to move for nearly an hour. While in this mental state, he received some sort of telepathic message that the craft would return. For the next few nights, up to 80 U.S. servicemen, British bobbies, as well as civilians from some nearby farms, witnessed an historic event. According to Larry Warren, who stood within feet of this craft from another world-three occupants came out of the ship and actually communicated with a high ranking member of the U.S. Air Force.

This close encounter at Bentwaters has become the subject of several books (see "From Out Of The Blue", Jenny Randles, Inner Light Publications) and has been given wide publicity on CNN, Home Box Office and more recently "Unsolved Mysteries." Warren has, in a sense, become somewhat of a celebrity himself as he remains in the public eye, willing to talk about what he observed.

"Jackie Gleason was interested in hearing my story first hand," Warren offers as a means of explaining how he met the famous comic in May, 1986. "At the time I was living in Connecticut and both CNN and HBO had run pieces on the Bentwaters case. Through mutual friends who knew members of his family, I was told that Gleason would like to talk with me privately in his home in Westchester County, and so the meeting was set for a Saturday when we would both have some time to relax'".

After being formally introduced, the two men ventured into Gleason's recreation room complete with pool table and full-size bar. "There were hundreds of UFO books all over the place," Warren explains, "but Jackie was quick to tell me that this was only a tiny portion of his entire collection, which was housed in his home in Florida." For the rest of the day, UFO researcher and UFO witness exchanged information.

"Gleason seemed to be very well informed on the subject," Larry says, "as he knew the smallest detail about most cases and showed me copies of the book "Clear Intent" that had just been published, as well as a copy of "Sky Crash", a British book about Bentwaters that was published, actually, before all the details of this case were made public. I remember Gleason telling me about his own sightings of several discs in Florida and how he thought there were undersea UFOs bases out in the Bermuda Triangle."

But it wasn't till after Warren had downed a few beers and Gleason had had a number of drinks--"his favorite, Rob Roys"-that conversation really got down to brass tacks. "At some point, Gleason turned to me and said, 'I want to tell you something very amazing that will probably come out some day anyway. We've got em!' 'Got what', I wanted to know? 'Aliens!' Gleason sputtered, catching his breath."

According to Warren, Jackie proceeded to tell him the intriguing set of circumstances that led him to the stunning conclusion that extraterrestrials have arrived on our cosmic shores. "It was back when Nixon was in office that something truly amazing happened to me," Gleason explained. "We were close golfing buddies and had been out on the golf course all day when somewhere around the 15th hole, the subject of UFOs came up. Not many people know this," Gleason told Warren, "but the President shares my interest in this matter and has a large collection of books in his home on UFOs just like I do. For some reason, however, he never really took me into his confidence about what he personally knew to be true... one of the reasons being that he was usually surrounded by so many aids and advisers."

Later that night, matters changed radically, when Richard Nixon showed up at Gleason's house around midnight. "He was all alone for a change. There were no secret service agents with him or anyone else. I said, 'Mr. President, what are you doing here?' and he said he wanted to take me someplace and show me something." Gleason got into the President's private car and they sped off into the darkness--their destination being Homestead Air Force Base.

"I remember we got to the gate and this young MP came up to the car to look to see inside and his jaw seemed to drop a foot when he saw who was behind the wheel. He just sort of pointed and we headed off." Warren says that later Gleason found out that the secret service was going absolutely crazy trying to find out where Nixon was. "We drove to the very far end of the base in a segregated area," Gleason went on, "finally stopping near a well-guarded building. The security police saw us coming and just sort of moved back as we passed them and entered the structure.

There were a number of labs we passed through first before we entered a section where Nixon pointed out what he said was the wreckage from a flying saucer, enclosed in several large cases." Gleason noted his initial reaction was that this was all a joke brought on by their earlier conversation on the golf course. But it wasn't, as Gleason soon learned. "Next, we went into an inner chamber and there were six or eight of what looked like glass-topped Coke freezers. Inside them were the mangled remains of what I took to be children. Then - upon closer examination - I saw that some of the other figures looked quite old. Most of them were terribly mangled as if they had been in an accident."

According to Larry Warren's testimony (regarding Gleason's lengthy conversation about UFOs and space visitors), "I forget whether he said they had three or four fingers on each hand, but they definitely were not human...of this he was most certain!" For three weeks following his trip with Nixon to Homestead Air Force Base, the world famous entertainer couldn't sleep and couldn't eat. "Jackie told me that he was very traumatized by all of this.

He just couldn't understand why our government wouldn't tell the public all they knew about UFOs and space visitors. He said he even drank more heavily than usual until he could regain some of his composure and come back down to everyday reality." Larry Warren is convinced that Gleason wasn't lying to him. "You could tell that he was very sincere - he took the whole affair very seriously, and I could tell that he wanted to get the matter off his chest, and this was why he was telling me all of this." And as far as Larry Warren was concerned, the Great One's personal testimony only added extra credibility to his own first hand experience with aliens while he was in the service.

"Jackie felt just like I do that the government needs to 'come clean,' and tell us all it knows about space visitors. It time they stopped lying to the public and release all the evidence they have. When they do, then we'll all be able to see the same things the late Jackie Gleason did!" Hopefully this day may arrive soon.


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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reptilian Alien Base Under Gasworks Park in Seattle

Alien Lore from Researcher John's HubPage:

Reptilian Alien Base Under Gasworks Park in Seattle


Have you stopped and listened to the noise at Gasworks Park?

If you have been to Gasworks Park in Seattle, you will see that it is dotted with the fenced off remains of a gas refinery, but what is it really hiding?
Could Gasworks Park really be hiding an underground Reptilian base?  Next time you are there, go near the refinery structures and listen with your ears and body and see what you can experience!

Are Reptilians Running Seattle from Under Gasworks Park?

See all 1 photos
Source: Arthaey

Who are the Reptilians?

If you haven't heard of them before,Reptilians are an alien race that has been interacting with the human race for some time.  Their intentions are still not clear, but most people feel that they are intent on managing and controlling mankind.
Reptilians in their natural form look roughly human like, but with fine scaled lizard like skin.  The hook though is that Reptilians have the ability to shape shift and commonly pose as humans.  In fact, there is substantial evidence that Reptilians have been the heads of state for thousands of years. 

Why Would Reptilians Want to Be Under Gasworks Park?

There are a lot of well known places that are suspected Reptilian bases, but I think Gasworks park is at the very least a minor base, simply due to its location. Think about it. The old structures give plenty of cover for any ventilation that needs to be done, and Lake Union would give plenty of cover to a UFO or USO that needed to enter/leave.
Tunnels under Lake Union could easily provide access to downtown Seattle and the old city underground structures. Additionally Seattle is central to several military bases and has an International airport for when Reptilians are traveling in human form by common means.
Seattle is also one of the few major cities along the West Coast. Other possible Reptilian outposts can be expected in all the major coastal cities such as Vancouver, Los Angeles, Long Beach and so on.  I haven't heard of reports from Mexico and South America, but I would be surprised if they did not have based along the coast all along to the bottom of South America.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

ATIT reheated: Alien Lore No. 39 - Presidents and near-Presidents) Who Have Seen UFOs - Carter, Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Goldwater, and Truman

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

"The evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that site. We all know that UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?" - Capt. Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Astronaut

There have been several Presidential believers in, and Presidential witnesses to, UFOs. In the case of Richard Nixon, the information comes from Jackie Gleason's widow. The Nixon-Gleason tale is by far the most far-fetched, and the only one involving aliens. The stories and quotes of Presidents Carter, Nixon, Truman, Reagan, and near-President Goldwater (OK, not that near) all come from primary sources: the Presidents and candidates themselves.

President James Earl Carter saw a UFO on, as he said, "a very sober occasion." Howell Raines wrote about the sighting in The Atlanta Constitution, in 1973:

"Carter saw a blue, disc-shaped object during a campaign stop in Leary, a South Georgia town in the same general area where numerous UFOs have been reported recently."

"The object came into view as Carter and several members of the Leary Lions Club stood outside the hall where Carter was to speak. All the members of the group observed the object for about five to ten minutes, Carter said. He immediately went to a tape recorder and dictated a description of what he remembers as "a very remarkable sight."

"It was about 30 degrees above the horizon and looked about as large as the moon. It got smaller and changed to a reddish color and then got larger again."

"Carter speculated that the UFO "was probably an electronic occurrence of some sort," rather than a visitation from outer space. At any rate, the governor said, "it was obviously there, and obviously unidentified."

During his 1976 campaign Jimmy Carter went out of his way to say "If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."

Senator Barry Goldwater spoke on the Larry King Radio show in 1988:

CALLER: Hello Senator Goldwater, I've heard in the past that you have an interest in UFOs. I just finished a book called, "Above Top Secret," by Timothy Goode, where three or four of your letters are quoted concerning your attempts to enter Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.


CALLER: Do you believe that the government is withholding information on UFOs?

SENATOR GOLDWATER: Yes I do. But I don't know enough about the subject involving Wright-Pat. to form any opinion. I remember when I first tried to get into that room out at Wright-Pat. and I went to General Curtis LeMay, an old friend of mine, and asked him. He used some pretty plain language and in effect, told me to "go to hell" and...

LARRY KING: That's the room where they are rumored to have aliens?

SENATOR GOLDWATER: Well, its a storage room where they are supposed to have some of the evidence they've collected relative to Unidentified Flying Objects. I have never...I wouldn't argue against them. I wouldn't argue for them. My only thinking on it is this planet of ours is one of several billion planets in this universe. I can't believe that God or whomever is in charge would put thinking bodies on only one planet. So I'm a firm believer that something can fly around here that the Wright Brothers didn't have anything to do with.

Richard Nixon, Jackie Gleason and UFOs. This story, from Jackie Gleason & The Little "Men From Mars by Timothy Green Beckley, appeared in All This Is That (August 23, 2005):

"Larry Warren was an Airman First Class stationed at Bentwaters Air Force Base in England (a NATO installation staffed mainly by US. Servicemen) when an incredible series of events took place over Christmas week of 1980. A UFO was picked up on radar and subsequently came down just outside the perimeter of the base in a dense forest."

"Later that night, matters changed radically, when Richard Nixon showed up at Gleason's house around midnight. "He was all alone for a change. There were no secret service agents with him or anyone else.

"I said, 'Mr. President, what are you doing here?' and he said he wanted to take me someplace and show me something." Gleason got into the President's private car and they sped off into the darkness - their destination being Homestead Air Force Base. "I remember we got to the gate and this young MPH came up to the car to look to see inside and his jaw seemed to drop a foot when he saw who was behind the wheel. He just sort of pointed and we headed off."

"Warren says that later Gleason found out that the secret service was going absolutely crazy trying to find out where Nixon was. "We drove to the very far end of the base in a segregated area," Gleason went on, "finally stopping near a well-guarded building. The security police saw us coming and just sort of moved back as we passed them and entered the structure. There were a number of labs we passed through first before we entered a section where Nixon pointed out what he said was the wreckage from a flying saucer, enclosed in several large cases." Gleason noted his initial reaction was that this was all a joke brought on by their earlier conversation on the golf course. But it wasn't, as Gleason soon learned. "

"Next, we went into an inner chamber and there were six or eight of what looked like glass-topped Coke freezers. Inside them were the mangled remains of what I took to be children. Then - upon closer examination - I saw that some of the other figures looked quite old. Most of them were terribly mangled as if they had been in an accident."

"According to Larry warrens testimony (regarding Gleason's lengthy conversation about UFOs and space visitors), "I forget whether he said they had three or four fingers on each hand, but they definitely were not human...Of this he was most certain!"

President Ronald Reagan described his 1974 UFO encounter to veteran newsman Norman C. Miller, Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal.) "I looked out the window and saw this white light.It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, Have you ever seen anything like that? He was shocked and he said, "Nope." And I said to him: "Let's follow it!" We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it."

President Reagan later speculated, at the U.N., of all places, on how life on earth might change of we did indeed know of visitors from another place: "I think about how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And I ask you, does not this threat already exist?"

President Harry S. Truman, in 1950 said "I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth." It's not clear whether or not President Truman had ever seen a UFO. However, if you believe the Majestic documents published earlier in All This Is That 10/22/2005), you may also believe that President Truman witnessed both UFOs and alien corpses.

Following hundreds of UFO sightings in Michigan in 1966, future President Ford said: "In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject."

Jackie Gleason claimed to have seen bodies of greys at an Air Force Base with Dick Nixon

"I have taken special interest in these (UFO) accounts because many of the latest reported sightings have been made in my home state of Michigan...Because I think there may be substance to some of these reports and because I believe The American People are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air force to date, I am proposing either the Science and Astronautics Committee or the Armed Services Committee of the House, schedule hearings on the subject of UFOs and invite testimony from both the executive branch of the Government and some of the persons who claim to have seen UFOs..."

"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."

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